Hi all! Ella McWoof here with a sneak peek of an upcoming feature on your Map of Kinzville. Very soon your pets will appear walking around Kinzville wearing the clothing YOU dressed them in! How cool is that? Check back in a few days for more details about this awesome new addition!
At first I was actually thinking that they should be wearing clothes………..and just days ago, I realized that they now were! I think that that’s pretty cool.
I wasn’t entirely thrilled with rebuilding the whole town but liked watching my Webkinz walking around. But I thought how much better it would be if they were also wearing their outfits, and then what do you know? They were! :-)
How WONDERFUL! It’s like a dream come true! Webkinz computer wizzes… you guys are A M A Z I N G! xo
I was just thinking of the same thing, they read my mind!
Thats kida different.
Hey, that is really cool. Then I will be able to see my pets wearing their favorite clothes on my map! >>cathouse2~~~
Hey, that is really cool. Then I will be able to see my pets wearing their favorite clothes on my map! >>cathouse2
I think the map is cool