Sneak Peek: PJ Collie’s Shirt












Who‘s more stylish than the KinzStyle Outlet’s own PJ Collie?

In April Deluxe Members will be able to share PJ’s signature look when they take home PJ Collie’s Shirt!

Every month Deluxe Members receive a rare item and an exclusive piece of clothing like this awesome shirt, but that’s not the only great thing about going Deluxe! Deluxe Members enjoy extra jobs in the Employment office as well as extra classes at the Kinzville Academy, access to extra daily activities, as well as the Deluxe Prize Machine and Wheel of Deluxe, extra items in the Curio Shop, eStore points, and more!

For as little as $2 a month, you can be enjoying the perks of Deluxe Membership too.

Zumbuddy’s going to look fabulous in this shirt. Why not make it one of your pets?

53 Responses to Sneak Peek: PJ Collie’s Shirt

  1. yipyipblue says:


  2. blondescooby says:

    i like it thats cool ~!!!!!

  3. homekid8 says:

    O.O awesomez…but i don’t have deluxe membership and anyways i won’t be getting it anytime soon. I’ll be getting jumpstart membership though.

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    Aww man I`m not deluxe.

  5. mamaeukey1 says:

    I think it may just be another random item that 3 months or longer deluxe members may win. with so many accounts in our family, its the two dollar auto renew. too expensive otherwise, but with what my daughters spends on ecards for epoints probably would be cheaper to upgrade her. and sad to say but if it is deluxe only and you are not I doubt very much that you could trade for one. kinda like e store clothes or rockon clothes we have been winning. It seems like each account is getting the same article over and over and each account is getting a different piece. one has 6 dresses and nothing else while none of the others even have one. I hate when things are limited especially between same owner owned accounts. we should be able to swich between our own account whatever we want1

  6. Super Cool says:

    so cool iv wanted it so bad.

  7. ~*$ilverWolf *~ says:

    Cool, i’ m a deluxe member, but i wish the shirt had the necklace with it 2, u know…the star 1……

  8. cheyenne says:

    i love her! she rocks! i want that shirt

  9. Nidorina88 says:

    Now I’m very sad and a little angry….I have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted that shirt and I think most people have too, so this is very unfair to about half of the players who can’t get deluxe……

  10. Gabriella♥ says:

    I want to be Deluxe!!! I’ve always been begging my mom and dad, but what do they always say? NO, NO, NO!!! It gets me SO WORKED UP! I WANNA BE DELUXE!!! ♥


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