The Red Velvet Rabbit comes with a Red velvet Couch and a Red Velvet Carrot Cake! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for updates on when and how you can get your very own Virtual Red Velvet Rabbit!
Sneak Peek: Red Velvet Rabbit
148 Responses to Sneak Peek: Red Velvet Rabbit
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All I could say was “Ooh, cool! Ooooohhhhh, cool!!!!” Why? Because I want to own my own cupcake shop, and I do red velvet cupcakes frequently. Hmm……what to name it?? Red Carpet? Or…..hmm, I’ll have to think about that!! But if you need names, then come to SHIRLEY THE CREAM SODA PUP’S NAME SHOP under PETS!!!!!
~^_^ OneVerse^_^~
I love everything about the Red Velvet Rabbit.
ARRRRRGHHHHHHH!!! why does everything have to be estore these days???
So cute!!! I love the PSI!
CUTTTTTEEEEE!!!!! I want it!!!!!
Me too i think its so cute i don’t know why he hates it.
i dont like this pet, wait no i hate this pet
Why don’t you like it it? i think it is cute
The rabbit is sooo cute!! :D
Very red looking… XD
wow! so pretty! and delicious!!! :)
Awww it’s so cute!
I love the PSI and the food.
it’s so cute!!!!!! i like the PSI. it looks like 1 of those booth seats in restaurants. i love how the flower’s on the table and such.
I love it! The PSI is really cool too.
PS: I’m almost done with the February Adventure Park Valentine’s Day challenge!
I LOVE red velvet!!!!! It is soooo cute! I’ll ask my mom to get it for me. I might just name her Scarlette! :mrgreen:
Hope you get it KK! This rabbit is awesome! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
come on this is so cute!!!!! i just oxoxox it!!!!! if i get it i will name after my best friend AKA{sarahandlacey}
moon get in the stars
Thanks Sarah!
I LOVE RED VELVET TO!i’m gonna ask my mom to get it for me it even going to be a plush?i really hope soooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
It’s SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I LOVE it! Red Velvet cake+bunnies= Awesomeness! It’s too bad it is not plush. :(
The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)
i wish it was plush too!!! that would be ADORABLE!!!!!!!
i hope itt acually does come in stores.its soooo cute why not plush?i really hope they smarten up and make it plush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fork is even bubnny-ear shaped. Clever.
=( I was quite excited when I saw this pet becuase it is the most adorable Webkinz I have seen in a looooong time. Also excited because it was being released in my birthday month. But then I saw it was estore and since I don’t like spending money for pixels on a screen I will unfortunatley not be getting it.
It just might be plush! keep your fingers crossed!
I now usually look at the pets and don’t really like them. I finally looked at this rabbit and said ” It’s cute!” I then started to get plans on having names, just when I decided I read that it was virtual. Most cute pets are e-store or contest won. I can’t participate on contests, because of my location and I won’t spend my money on e-store if I can buy plush! I can totally imagine this cute bunny as a plush! And me holding it :D .
Hello, there, and hi again. please let me meet some of you famous .. sarah and lacey,chicagomade,moonstar,lillieluvie,krystalkat,and etc.
Wishes from space :) ~
Hi, GalaxyPup. Can you add me?
Speaking of the Red Velvet Rabbit, I like it. I might adopt it if it’s not estore. I ran out of estore points already. I’ll have to get more by next Sunday. ~Chicago Made
Is your username exactly the same as the one here?
Wishes from space :) ~
Oh. No, mine is kirbystar5. ;) Tell me your username before you add me though. ~Chicago Made
Oh, my username is ki4x! Thnx for telling me!
Wishes from space :) ~
I know what you mean. They should TOTALLY make it plush. Much better than virtual, cause you actually hold it! LOL
Hope your day is as good as a tortoise!
It’s SO adorable!!!! That’s a cool way to put it, Swanfeather!! Spending money for pixels on a screen! That’s really what they are, though. I don’t have estore, and it’s very sad. *Peace, Love and Hope, Icewolf*
I know that pet is a e store pet. I wish everything awesome wasn’t e store.
I totally agree! It’s the exact same case as the Sleepover Puppy! If they made the sleepover puppy a plush then people could literally bring it over to sleepovers and snuggle with it! However I still think that’s very cute and the PSI is very stylish ;) SOAD Chick could I friend you? I’m sugarsnapper12
OH MY GOSH, so cute, I like, need it, but I just don’t have eStore! :(
PS: I have three rabbits so that’s why I need it ;)
Oh my gosh! I have 3 rabbits too!!!
Sure PHN. I’ll add you. Sorry, but I don’t want to give out my username. I’ll add you (PHN) though. Thanks! -SOAD Chick
Hey love your name! So random! What’s your username?
Hope your day is as good as a tortoise!
I agree! It’s adorable!
aw! i love it! its so cute..And it comes with a whole living room(well, technically). :lol:
LemonCandy <3
I’m going to change my name to Galaxy pup.
If husky luver or Swedish Latte sees this, friend me on ki4x. I changed my name it used to be girl+puppies=love.
i know isn’t it i think of a woopie pie
Guys, it didn’t say that it was Virtural ONLY. It said how you can get A virtual Velvet Rabbit. Yes, it most likely IS e-Store(So getting it!) nut at least we have Hope.
I have the same thoughts.
Wishes from space :) ~
Yup. Always stay positive.
Hope your day is as good as a tortoise!
Yeah! I want to get him.
I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope they come out with a toy of him and that he is not just digital.
Hope your day is as good as a tortoise
This is pretty cute!!!! :) :D :+)