Sneak Peek: Sweetheart Pup

The Sweetheart Pup comes with a Bean Bag Bed and Sweetheart Cereal.

60 Responses to Sneak Peek: Sweetheart Pup

  1. Oreoluvsforeverfriendship says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!! the gift box is adorable with a cute blue ribbon, the PSF is delicious and the PSI the bean bag ben is a MUST HAVE!!! I am getting this no matter what

  2. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I want this candyheart puppy so bad.She is so awsome.I would call her love hearts or little heart.Go webkinz.

  3. senday says:

    im getting this cutie!!

  4. hannahpo03 says:

    no it is in plush to. i looked at the pets. the plush is so cute.

  5. Savvannah says:

    yeah my mom will get me that for valentines! I am getting a love frog too!

  6. eclarefan17 says:

    Aw, cute.

  7. bamboo578 says:

    colorful heart’s,everywhere! The psi is so cool,as well as the psf. The pet is super cute,and so is it’s gift box! All the item’s and the pet is so sweethearty.

  8. ashleigh says:

    super cute though it would be nice to have it in plush

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