Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

Time to play Peek-A-Newz!

Log in below and find the featured host five times between 12:00am EST and 11:59pm EST each day from July 8 to July 20, and you’ll win a special prize!

How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day.

236 Responses to Summer Fun Peek-A-Newz

  1. kdids says:

    FLfluffy & jo jo – you will find stoogles around the edges of the pages – only the top half of head shows – “peeking” at you – I have trouble finding 5 – sometimes I come back later to find more.

    Does anyone know if the prize is the same the SECOND time you fill the Jumbleberry Fields jars? I got the farmer’s outfit the
    1st time. Do the prizes change for the 2nd or 3rd time?

  2. jo jo says:

    help i dont under sand this!!!!!!!!!

  3. mina says:

    this camp kinz contest thing is prettty cool i wish it was like this with every room theme would do this

  4. Ashlyn says:

    yeah i wonder what the prizes are????? <3

  5. jayden says:

    i love the newz too much

  6. katie cat says:

    well same with me. I can not find him sorry for you FLfluffy? if you want to be my friend my user name is knr03.

  7. katie cat says:


  8. FLfluffy says:

    This is the first time I have played Peek-a-News and I got Stoogles. I can’t find him anywhere! Is he floating around somewhere or actually on the page and where can I find him? please help :(

    • webkinz user says:

      Stoogles does not float around. He “peeks out” or hides himself in or near the ads on the side, in the banner at the top, or at the sides of the whole screen. Also, look at the ads. Sometimes he will appear at the edge of them, either just inside the ad or outside the edge. Stoogles will appear right side up, upside down, or sideways in all of these locations. You just have to look at the whole page very carefully & at each ad. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

  9. SHORTYLIN says:

    I love webkinz

  10. Taylor says:

    Wow! I failed! :(( will anyone be willing to send me one of their prizes if they won?
    I have 100 webkinz (lol ik i’m spoiled) and my username is turtlesrule6 (i named it that cuz my first webkinz was a turtle and i just though turtles ruled at the moment lol) Anyways if you do thank you very much! You guys rock! =)

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