Chef Gazpacho’s Pink Drinks
Hello! Chef Gazpacho here with some perfectly pink drinks to celebrate our Pink Party with your pet! You’ll need to get a blender at the W Shop to make these drinks. First, how about making a Cream Soda Float? Visit the W Shop and get some red fruit, something cold and conical, and the most obvious ingredient of all! If you want to try a Strawberry Smoothie, pick up an obvious ingredient, something sweet (that bees would like) and something that comes from a cow. Feel for a YummyTummy Tumbler? Use your head and figure out what to grow, something totally fizzy (and sweet) and an orange-yellow fruit. Finally, what about a Neon Pink Smoothie? Just get something creamy (and fizzy), a fierce-sounding fruit and something sweet and sour. I’m going to be making LOTS of these drinks for the pink party, so whip up a few for your pet and enjoy!