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Elwin vs. Hailey


                Hailey and I have been working a TON lately. We’ve been redoing lots of different places around Kinzville – and, unfortunately, we haven’t always agreed about which way to decorate a space. Although I love my sister, I definitely have a different sense of design. She tends to be very classic and simple, while I like to mix up crazier colors and patterns. Since we’re both SUPER competitive, we thought it would be fun to have a design contest. Each day for the next week, we’re going to redecorate a spot in Webkinz World. We’re going to show you the original, then both of our designs. We’d love it if you told us whose design you like better! At the end of the week, one of us is going to rule the design world!   So Hailey, bring your best designs – it’s game on!


Meriwether’s Sitting Room Redesign


  Hailey: Elwin and I had what might be our toughest job ever. Elwin: You can say that again, Hailey. H: Elwin and I had what might be our toughest job ever. E: Sigh. Let’s just show them the picture of Meriwether’s sitting room:               H: OK, so do you want to start, or should I? E: Go ahead, Hailey. I…don’t know what to say. H: Alright, well Meriwether invited us over to see her sitting room. Actually, Fluffington called us up and said, “I’ve told my great-aunt to call you and ask for your help, but even if she doesn’t, please go over anyway. Her sitting room is a disaster!” E: You know what they always say, Hailey. No amount of KinzCash can buy good taste. H: How true! The interesting part is that some of these items are absolutely stunning on their own, but when they’re thrown together in one big room, they…well…they don’t look their best. E: Well put. H: Thank you. E: Anyway, here’s the end result:               H: It’s like a breath of fresh air! E: Meriwether is examining the wallpaper, to make … Read more


Blast from the Past: La Souffle Redesign


Elwin: Today, you’re in for a treat – a blast from the past! When Chef Sophia first arrived in Kinzville, she decorated La Soufflé herself – mostly from donated furniture. Which kind of explains this:             Ouch. My eyeballs.     Elwin: We’ve invited Chef Sophia to talk to us today, and show us the ‘after’ picture. After Hailey and I gave her restaurant the star treatment, that is!                   Ahh…that’s better!   Chef Sophia: I was SO happy when I could afford to hire you guys to redo my restaurant. I can’t even believe the ‘before’ picture anymore! I love the way it turned out, and my customers do too. I especially like the clear tables that separate the kitchen from the rest of the restaurant. They give the impression of openness, while also letting me bake without tripping over my customers! Plus, they’re great for displaying treats. I also love the fireplace –SO many Webkinz like sitting by the fire and enjoying a coffee and a pastry. Elwin: Mmm…speaking of which, I don’t suppose you brought any treats with you? Hailey: ELWIN! Elwin: I’m sorry…but … Read more


Hailey and Elwin decorate the Gym

  Well readers, apparently not everyone appreciates Elwin’s and my fine efforts. Earlier this week Ms. Cowoline asked us to decorate the gym for the Valentine’s Day Dance. Now you know that Elwin and I don’t do anything by halves. I mean, look at this gym. It is in need of some serious TLC to make the transition from boring gymnasium to Cupid’s Lair.             And here you have the results of our labors. We went all out – we covered the walls with the pink paneling and gigantic red hearts of the Heart Wallpaper. We brought in this heart-stopping Heart floor covering. We decided that it would be fun to make one corner of the gym into an amusement area with a Carnival Kissing Booth, True Love Crystal Ball, and True Love Test, as well as rides like the Love Puppy Float and Heart Hot Air Balloon. We loaded up a few tables with oodles of yummy Valentine treats like the Valentine Cupcakes and even an ice cream bar. And the most romantic touches were our centerpiece of the Cupid’s Shimmering Spring and the charming Romeo and Juliet Balcony Tower.   Perfect, right? And … Read more


Hailey & Elwin redecorate Sam McWoof’s office

Hey readers! It’s me, Elwin. Recently Hailey and I got a call from our friend, Ella McWoof. She’s been helping out in her uncle Sam McWoof’s office lately and she said that it really needed a pick-me-up. She thought it was a bit dated and that it could be organized so that Sam had better access to his files as well as a place to meet with clients. Sam agreed with Ella and said that she had carte blanche to change up his office however she sees fit. He even gave her access to his account at the W Shop and the eStore. Of course Ella knew exactly what to do – she called us!               So this is Sam’s office before. It’s okay, I guess. Kind of has a country feel to it though. It just doesn’t say ‘Big City Detective’ to me, you know? I’m not sure how much he gets done at that desk either – it’s more decorative than functional, and if there’s anything a busy guy like Sam needs, it’s function. Hailey and I felt that we really needed to add some sophisication as well as hi-tech gadgetry to … Read more


Molly’s Room: Birthday Redesign


Hailey and Elwin here with another awesome room redesign! Molly Pig just celebrated her birthday and her parents were really excited to be able to give her bedroom a total makeover. They hired us and we sat down with Molly to discuss what she’d like in her room. This is the before:                   Molly said that she had tried several different themes, but didn’t really like any of them. That’s why there’s so much going on in this room. The sleeping bag is from a sleepover she had a few days ago. The chairs and microphone are where her friends like to visit and sing. Her desk is MUCH too small, and Molly says she has trouble getting her homework done. Elwin and I talked to her about what kinds of things she liked. One thing kept coming up over and over: Molly LOVES color. As many different colors as possible, actually. She couldn’t really nail down a favorite color. So, with that in mind, Elwin and I set out to make the most colorful room we could!   This is what we came up with!               … Read more


One Lovely Living Room


 Elwin: Hey everyone! It’s your favorite decorating team here – Elwin and Hailey! We’re super-excited to tell you about the business our company has been getting ever since we redecorated Fluffington’s house for the holidays! Ms. Birdy was the first to call us, and she invited us over to check out the problem.  The problem, by the way, wasn’t at her house. It was at Dr. Quack’s. When Hailey and I got there, we thought maybe the foyer needed redoing. Ms. Birdy, however, said that Dr. Quack just had it re-painted. She took us into his living room and we immediately noticed it was…what’s a polite way to say it, Hailey? Hailey: Uh. Dated. Let’s say dated. As in, out-of-date. As in, from the last century. Or possibly the one before that. Well, let’s just let the picture do the talking, shall we?                   Elwin: There are so many things going wrong here, I don’t know where to start. Hailey: The wallpaper. It’s the worst. Elwin: No, I think it’s the arrangement of furniture. The mismatched, random arrangement. Have you ever seen anything like that before, Hailey? I mean, wow. It’s just…it’s … Read more


Fluffington’s Bathroom Makeover


                  Hi, it’s Elwin. Hailey and I have just finished working on Fluffington’s bathroom and he was not exaggerating when he said he liked gold. I think it’s pretty obvious from his bathroom that color really appeals to him. We realized that it’s important to Fluffington to maintain the grandeur of his rooms so we stuck with the blue and gold combo and just accented it with some new pieces. It is a bathroom after all so we didn’t want to go too wild with the decorations.                 We ended up using blue and silver decorations to set off what was already here. The Blue Frost Tree seemed perfect in the corner and the Festive Holiday Wreath uses the same color scheme. The Plush Rug carries the blue accents onto the floor and we replaced the furniture items with some pieces from the Wizard Theme. It’s a subtle transformation but something tells me Fluffington is going to like it.


A Surprising Apology


                    Hey, it’s Hailey. We just had a crazy visit from Fluffington. We were sitting in our office making up our budget for next year. After Fluffington freaked out about our yard design and we left the project, we realized we couldn’t count on the new clients we were hoping to get from the deal. But just as we were finishing up there was a knock at the door and when Elwin opened it, there was Fluffington and our friend, Henrietta Hippo. I guess Fluffington and Henrietta are friends too because she told us that he had something to say to us. Fluffington seemed really nervous, but then he said that he realized that as we were mere commoners like most of the rest of Kinzville, then we probably had a better understanding of what they would like at a party. Um, can you say backhanded compliment? He said he wanted to apologize for freaking out on us and that as he had given us creative control he couldn’t expect us to decorate the house as he would have done it himself, especially as there is no way we could have … Read more


Hailey and Elwin Decorate Fluffington’s Games Room!


Hey, readers! Hailey here! So Elwin and I had a lot of fun decorating Fluffington’s living room but I’m not sure how much Fluffington liked it. I mean, he SEEMED to like it, but he was a little grumpy when he first came in. He kept asking where his gold furniture was. And purple – he kept asking us didn’t we know that purple was the color of royalty. Um, can you say ‘delusional’? Anyway… now we’re onto the Games Room. Since there didn’t seem to be any gold or purple, we thought we might be able to have a little more fun with this one.               Fluffington’s games room is pretty cool. There is just about every game you can imagine and plenty of space to play. He’s also got some yummy snack areas set up. There’s even a sandwich maker. We want to maintain all of the fun and leave lots of space for games, while still capturing the holiday spirit. I sure hope Fluffington likes the results of this one!                         Ho! Ho! Ho! This room is still packed with … Read more


Persephone’s Pink Kitchen


Hey, Webkinz fans! Guess what? Persephone was so happy with the bedroom and bathroom that we designed for her she asked Elwin and me to design her kitchen too. She was at a loss – she had a really big space, and she wanted to multitask. She needed plenty of space for food prep and cooking, as well as a dining area with enough space to entertain a large group of friends. She also wanted a work space and with all that in mind, Elwin and I thought it would be really nice to give her an area where she could relax too. Persephone’s one stipulation was that the kitchen be bright and fun. She spends so much time there it needs to be uplifting and cheery.       Well, cheery was what Persephone wanted and cheery is what she got. We saw the Ice Cream Parlor Wallpaper and we knew right away that it captured the look we were trying to achieve. By pairing it with the Lily Pad Flooring, we gave ourselves a great accent color with the vibrant green. We picked up that green in the Fresh Glass Dining Table and Sweet Releaf Chairs, as well … Read more


Persephone’s Apartment Makeover


Hailey and Elwin make Persephone’s apartment over. Read more


Hailey & Elwin’s Summertime Backyard

Hailey & Elwin have been working hard! Read more


Final winner of the eStore Makeover Madness Room Redesign Contest!


Final winner! Read more


Elwin Chooses Another Winner of the eStore Room Redesign Contest!


A huge shout out to Kira! Read more

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