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Two Wonderful Menorahs


  There are two beautiful menorahs in the W Shop, and your pet is sure to love them. Pick up the exquisite Hovering Menorah or the absolutely marvelous Magnificent Menorah. No matter which one you choose, you’ll be able to watch the candles light up throughout Hanukkah.


Molly’s Great Idea


                    Hey! It’s me, Molly. Millie and I have had a long day and I am exhausted! What started out as a small project turned into a major undertaking. I found out that there was a Kinzville toy drive and asked my mom if she would take us to the W Shop and let us choose some gifts that we could give away to kids who are less fortunate than us. I have some KinzCash saved up from my allowance and I thought this would be a pretty good way to spend it. My mom loved the idea and then she said that if any of my friends wanted to donate too, she could drive over and pick up the toys and deliver them to the toy drive. Isn’t that a great idea? So I sent out an email to my friends telling them what I had in mind and the response I got was overwhelming! Almost all of my friends said that they would donate at least one toy to the toy drive. I made a list of everyone who wanted to donate and told them that we’d be there … Read more


The NEW Poinsettia Lion and other holiday items are now available!


Happy Holidays! Read more

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