LOOK WHO'S BACK? Some old faves! For a limited time*, you can find these Reunion Pets at Ganz eStore. Check back next weekend for 5 new friends! Get these pets and much more only from Ganz eStore! *12:01am Saturday December 4, 2010 to 11:59pm Friday December10, 2010 EST.
Kick off 2010 in Style With A Sock Monkey
2010 is nearly upon us, and with the new year will come a plethora of new pets. The first pet to ring in the New Year will be the stylin’ Sock Monkey! There’s nothing quite as funky as a classic Sock Monkey! With its Copabanana Split and Puppet Theater, the Sock Monkey is the perfect playmate to ring in the New Year on a light-hearted note. This brand new pet will debut exclusively on the Ganz eStore New Year’s Day, so start 2010 off right with a silly, stylin’ Sock Monkey!
Sock Monkey
There’s nothing quite as funky as a classic Sock Monkey! With a goofy personality that is sure to make you laugh, this monkey loves playing the part of the clown. If you want to put a smile on your monkey’s friendly face, just feed it a Copabanana Split or two. Coming to the Ganz eStore soon! Puppet Theater Copabanana Split Correction: the brown version was an earlier draft — the gray Sock Monkey is the final version. Hope you enjoyed the quick peek at our creative process!