KinzStyle Outlet Q&A

Where did all the W Shop clothing go?
If you remember, the Clothing in the W Shop was all lumped into one category.This made it very difficult to browse for something in particular. The KinzStyle Outlet organizes all of the clothing into separate categories — if you’re just looking for a new pair of shoes, that’s much easier to do now!

I still can’t find some of the old W Shop clothing – what happened?
A few items were retired when we moved the clothing to the KinzStyle Outlet. Two items can now be found in the Curio Shop, but the others won’t be back.

What’s the Clearance section for?
Check the Clearance category to see if any clothing items are on sale.

Hey! Why are there different prices for the Special item?
The “Special” price only applies if you click on the item in front of PJ. If you go to the category to find the same item, it’ll be at regular price. Be sure to pick up the special directly from PJ for the best price!

Why can’t I put my clothing in the Clothing Machine?
The Clothing Machine will only take your common clothes (stuff from the Outlet Shop, or clothing you get on vacation) — special clothing like holiday items or KinzStyle clothing can’t be used with the Clothing Machine.

75 Responses to KinzStyle Outlet Q&A

  1. name says:

    i know the straeberry hat it is green layer tee red bow eurapein red shades

  2. MUSIC LOVER 101 FOREVER says:

    i always look hear to i just wate for someone to post

  3. McKittyKitty says:

    Ditto, Buttercup! I always look here too, but I never comment either because no one’s here! LOL!!!!!! ;>D

  4. katie says:

    uhh,what you said! ;)

  5. Buttercup says:

    What another coincidense because I always check this, too! It’s just that not very many people are commenting on here so I never say anything. :)

  6. McKittyKitty says:

    What a coincedense, katie, because I’m always checking here too!!!

  7. katie says:

    no,im always checking this. :)

  8. McKittyKitty says:

    Hey, nobody’s commenting on here anymore! I guess they all forgot.

  9. Harry Potter jr says:

    Anyway, I think the Kinstyle Shop is cooler than the Kinzstyle Outlet. Just saying. I’ve been there once. On December 25, 2010, because I got two of the rare clothings. ;)

  10. katie says:

    oh,and McKittyKitty,what i ment with the only clothing store around, was that without any codes,it was the only clothing store around.sorry,i did not mean to confruze [as my mom would say] you!

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