Important Town Quality Info!

Big news from Webkinz Friends: your town’s Happiness/Town Quality bar has been redesigned! Now Happiness isn’t limited by your Town Quality. You can raise your Happiness to 100 at any point in the game! Remember that your minimum happiness is still based on the number of pets in your family, with a maximum of 50 points.

Another thing to note is that your Town Quality is now leveled. There’s no more limit of 10,000. You can increase your Town Quality level as high as you want! For the first ten levels, you’ll get a great new prize for leveling up your town (that’s 9 prizes in total!). You’ll also increase the potential town bonus that you can receive. If your Town Quality is already higher than level 1, you can find the prizes you earned for leveling up in your inventory. Keep raising your Town Quality level as high as you can; it’ll be needed in future expansions and missions!

9 Responses to Important Town Quality Info!

  1. angelgirldog7 says:

    please every body, tell ganz to make a new collie like the retired one. i am sure a whole bunch of requests for it will make them want to do it. add me angelgirldog7 GOD BLESS!!!

  2. pony4141 says:

    i only have 2 pets in the game all my other codes don’t work and

  3. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    This sounds cool. >>cathouse2

  4. doglover says:

    cool thats great~doglover

  5. Strawberry Starburst says:

    Awesome! If only I had an account. I would of put a store full of Starbursts in my town & make a special candy mansion 4 my pets 2 live in……… :D $Strawberry out$

    • SugarComet says:

      Haha @Strawberry Starburst. For some reason, that struck my funny bone. ~§ugªr☾☼♏εէ☄☄☄

    • Chicago Made says:

      @Starwberry Starburst – That’ll be so cool! I have an account for Webkinz Friends, but I hardly play on it, thanks to my parents (they told me not to go back on WEbkinz Friends for some reason). I love Webkinz Friends though! It doesn’t beat Webkinz World, but it’s still awesome. ;) ⒸⓗⓘⓒⓐⓖⓞㄨⓂⓐⓓⓔ

  6. Moonstar says:

    Cool, sounds like a great update. -Moonstar◙◙◙

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