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I think their names are Quack and Birdy but they put Dr. And Ms. to sound official! LOL
when i started webinz i thought they were all ready a couple but know i guess not
Wait… They weren’t officially together before? ah… I thought they were married when I first joined lol
why do i never see plumpy’s husband??
woah, Plumpy is married??? Anyways they should have a webkinz wedding and every player would get cake and a wedding gift! AWWW YEA
a duck and a bird i just realized that
Plumpy probably thinks this is some sweet gossip! Ohhhhh!!!!!! I knew they would date at sometime!
omg awesome love is in the air cha cha cha lol
Plumpy had a husband. Did Ms.Birdy and Dr.Quack kiss yet?
i knew this was going to happen. when i started i thought they were married.