Ms. Birdy & Dr. Quack!

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263 Responses to Ms. Birdy & Dr. Quack!

  1. Gretamg says:

    I always thought they’d be perfect for eachother!

  2. tictoc333 says:

    dr quack and miss birdy sittin in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes marraige then comes a baby ann a baby carrige=-D

  3. colleen100200300 says:

    ya adventure time and i am a girl

  4. slehew12 says:

    soooooooo cute!!!!! prffet!!!!!

  5. babyfrog84 says:

    if they get meried will they have babies? that would be a good family! Dr.Quack and Ms.Birdy would be quiwte a par!i love ganz its my bigest fan!bye! bye! 1 more Q.whats is thir a buling of plummpy? yes or no?

  6. HRJ111 says:

    When did Ms. Birdy dye her hair?! ROFL!!!!!!

  7. Brooke098 says:

    Maybe some day they will have baby ducklings lol

  8. Brooke098 says:

    Would they change there names?

  9. fishyfishfish says:


  10. kittens100 says:

    mr.Quack and ms. Birdy are a perfect mach =D =P

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