Look at the Ticker

If you want the quick news about what’s going on in Webkinz World, check out the News Ticker at the top of the map. Find out what events are on the Daily Activities page, which news stories are most important, and what’s on sale at the W Shop! Just one more great reason to visit the map!

38 Responses to Look at the Ticker

  1. newsabd says:

    I think the new map is a cool view and fun but sorta useless(yes im doing the key thing)because u do 1 thing from map lets say The academy then want 2 go 2 the forest and maybe afterwards spend some time at the tournament arena

  2. angel says:

    kinzville is to cute

  3. erraine says:

    I like the way at the top it advertises what you should do for fun.

  4. hannah says:

    i like how it is festive for the holidays and decorated for christmas.SO COOL!!!

  5. Hi says:

    I Love the Kinzville map

  6. Celeste says:

    The map is like so way 2 cool !!!

  7. Payge says:

    Wow. do you think you can make it so we can walk on the streets kind of like you are walking around town. you could also make cars to get around town.

  8. Nathan says:

    I like the new map. The things to do menu was getting to full, but now its more organized!

  9. Katiealas says:

    I like the map. Now I can find the places I want to go to. Cool beans

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