What’s New — What’s that?

When you see What’s New, it means we’re telling you what’s just been added to Webkinz World. If it’s in this category, it means you can log in to Webkinz World right now and see it!

38 Responses to What’s New — What’s that?

  1. kate says:

    what’s that?

  2. McKittyKitty says:

    Look, missdance, I was just being polite to Greta because you weren’t here at your club, so I thought I would just see that everybody felt comfortable and not LEAVE your club because you weren’t here. I was just making sure everyone was OK untill you came back. THAT’S ALL IT WAS!!!

  3. McKittyKitty says:

    19Greta99, it’s OK that you don’t know that much (If anything) about dancing. The most important thing is, if you think dancing in neat, then you can be in the club. But anyone can join!

    • missdance says:

      Kitty, WHY are acting like you run this club? This is bunnylover, or yoyoroyo5. It’s impossible to comment on here. 19Greta99 I would LOVE for you to join and listen to McKittyKitty. But seriously Kitty I’m a little upset at you. Oh well, forgive and forget. I’m glad I finally found it!!

  4. Lollipops says:

    Ok, Kitty, I get it. You would be upset to if you were in my place.

  5. 19Greta99 says:

    McKittyKitty I don’t know that much about dancing.(worried!)

  6. McKittyKitty says:

    Uh, Lollipops, let me give you a few pointers, OK? 1. Don’t push or force people to join or come to your club 2. Don’t get too upset if people don’t come right away. People will come. 3. You have to advertise! Go out to other comment forums and tell the people about your club and where it’s at. Hope this helped!

  7. Lollipops says:

    So bunnylover, if your kinda the club expert, can you help me with something? How do you get people to come and just look at your club?!?!?!?!

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