Missing Items


Missing Items


The following list of items are currently appearing in the room as grey boxes as their proper images are not available. Please know that your items are fine within Webkinz World and their images will be fixed. We will be aggressively making these fixes will be making regular updates over the next few weeks to solve all of these issues. Please return regularly to see which items have been fixed.



***UPDATE: April 6, 2017***


All items are now visible. Any items still required to be fixed have been moved to the Incomplete Item List.



151 Responses to Missing Items

  1. webkinzfan2010 says:

    I hope they fix the posh penthouse wallpaper, penthouse Windsor chairs and the kitchen counters so they can bring that theme back to the wshop i have seen those items on the lists i have been wanting those items since the jessie theme happened in 2011 :/

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