ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The VIP Tour Bus and one other Backstage Pass prize are being retired on October 30th. Get 2 Backstage Passes with every Rockerz Pet adoption which can be used to trade for a Rockerz themed prize! Check your favorite Webkinz retailer for Rockerz Pets or visit the Ganz eStore to add one to your Webkinz family.
NOO!!!!! I have 2 webkinz rockerz, but I want more!!!!!!!
that car is nice. Why would they retire it.
I wish they’d just tell us which ones..
can you pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasse keep them for a bit longer?
Oh no, please put the Rockerz poodle on E store before the prizes run out!
that car is soooooooooo cool!
I want the rockers coyote sooo bad!
Yikes, I want to make some rockerz rooms anyway, I am just going to have to start collecting the prizes.
cool but i don’t have a rocker pet!