2 New Daisy Diner Foods


Daisy has updated her menu by adding two delicious dishes. Look for Lovely Lentil Soup and a Green Smoothie the next time you visit Daisy’s Diner in the Clubhouse.


Get a free dish every day by clicking on Daisy. There are 18 items to enjoy. Here’s a look at the menu:





Looking for Honeycomb Sorbet? It’s been removed from the menu to make room for the two new items. But, if your looking for a sweet dessert to feed to your pet, try making a Savory Fruit Sundae. You can make it by combining 3 Daisy Diner foods in a blender:



How would you make a Savory Fruit Sundae? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


29 Responses to 2 New Daisy Diner Foods

  1. ItsMissWebkinz says:

    I would make the ‘Savory Fruit Sundae’ by combining the ‘Fuzzy Frozen Peach Yogurt’, the ‘Organic Ice Pop’, and either of the organic juices – ‘Organic Apple Juice’ or ‘Organic Orange Juice’.

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