3 New Exclusives and 1 New Superbed

New Exclusives

Check out the Baobab Tree, Blue Agate Geode and Giant Water Lily!

You may find one of these items in your pet’s bonus adoption gift, or you can head to the Wish Factory to pick one up with Wish Tokens.

New Superbed!

The Cozy Camper is the latest Superbed added to the Superbed Gift Box! Get a Superbed Gift Box with your 10th adoption, and another one with every 5th adoption after that.

15 Responses to 3 New Exclusives and 1 New Superbed

  1. Wingsfan65 says:

    Great prizes (the geode looks great in a room–I got one a few days ago)! One question–when it says “you get a Superbed Gift Box with your 10th adoption, and another one with every 5th adoption after that, does that include adoptions using Pet Medallions? (e.g. Snowy Retriever/Kiwi Bird/etc)

  2. auntapril says:

    All very nice but did I miss the advance retirement notice of the other items?

  3. KSC says:

    Cool new prizes!

  4. choover143 says:

    Super excited to get them all!

  5. megamom12 says:

    Okay….that goes there, that goes here, that may need a new room….the new bed is going to get a whole new room for sure.

  6. TRINSTER says:

    I love that geode! I collect rocks IRL so I’m looking forward to this!

  7. Resonatingthunder says:

    I just got the baobob tree in the exclusive item gift box from adopting a pet! Wasn’t expecting to get it so soon lol! Hoping to get the geode and lily later on :) And LOVE the superbed, I think I want to start collecting webkinz campers!

  8. mochidochi says:

    Wow! I love that superbed!!!

  9. RRB says:

    Very nice exclusives, but SUPER Superbed! Thanks Ganz.

  10. Sonari says:

    All fantastic, though the Baobab Tree is my favorite! I was just reading about how African elephants move these seeds around as they roam and how important that is for the global ecosystem. Huge seeds for our largest land animal friends. (I won’t say how they move the seeds, but you can probably guess- it’s a little on the smelly side!) Thanks for the great new prizes!

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