365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues


Webkinz is turning 10 on April 29th! To celebrate, we’ll be giving away a prize EVERY DAY! Find the floating icon right here on Webkinz Newz and click on it to claim your prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day.


Check out this week’s prizes:



What prize are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


170 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues

  1. tttvvv says:

    loving these prizes! if anyone wants to trade or send me the stuff from January that would be awesome. I missed the whole month :( my user is tttvvv

    • SavannahSong says:

      my computer was down from Oct 23 to the last week of February, tttvvv, so i can’t help with the January stuff. i’ll friend you anyway. and if anybody has good stuff from the last week of Oct to the third week of Feb . . . and if you’ve already given the Jan stuff to tttvvv, then, i’m SavannahSong in Webkinz World and i’ll give good stuff back! love to all!

      • WebkinzLover2015 says:

        I admire you a lot. Don’t Worry, Be happy!!! You computer is strong , I think, so ALL is going to be fine :)

        • 1a2s3d4 says:

          By the way, if that ever happens again, you can use a phone to do the floaty clicky

          • fluff54 says:

            Is there an app for webkinznewz?!??!?!?!?!?

          • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

            I don’t think there’s an app for WebkinzNewz, but you can access it from the Safari app on an iPhone.

          • fluff54 says:

            Thanks!!!! I was looking for it on my moms phone and I was like WHERE IS IT!?????????????????????????????? Then I was about to download the Webkinz app and she was like, Don’t be downloading all these apps! How do you know that you wont have to pay for it then the bill will be all mixed up! And I was like its free and she was like that’s not the point give me my phone back!!! And I was like eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh!!!!!xD WWWwwwwwwwwHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyy #NOTFAIR

      • fluff54 says:

        I’m going to friend you SavannahSong, you’re my Webkinz idol!!!!!!!!! But I don’t have anything from feb. ’cause I was sick for a long time and my mom said she didn’t want my germs on her computer! I only got like a handful of things!!!

  2. paoddbeartashiekins says:

    Is that a DIAMOND lamp?!

  3. Sandmania says:

    Next week’s prizes are awesome! I’ve been wanting a bunch of those Navy Suit Pants forever!!

  4. jenniferobbidecember says:

    I must have a couple dozen of those Duck Billed Hats. Hope these can be sold/traded. Need the Carrot chair and Trench Coat. Thanks Ganz for some great prizes. Any one know if there is a listing of prizes by month instead of week. I’d like a print out of them.

  5. Faithglitterkinz says:

    I REALLY LIKE THE DIAMOND LAMP!!!!!!! I have always wanted it. Now is my chance to finally get it. Thanks Ganz! :)

  6. marinawaterd59 says:

    I can’t wait for those cupcakes and the sleuth outfit! Marissa is probably freaking out right now!

  7. torahgirl101 says:

    i already have the carrot chair I’d like another one

  8. ge6x says:


  9. kittenhideout says:

    I have one of those moving flowers from Fri 03, can’t wait to get a pair! And I love too that spring fedora on the 4th. But I mostly am looking forward to the 31st and 1st – that lamp is so pretty! This is such a fun year. Happy 10th!

  10. teran5 says:

    i love next weeks prizes! i need the carrot chair!!!!!!!

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