365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues


Webkinz is turning 10 on April 29th! To celebrate, we’ll be giving away a prize EVERY DAY! Find the floating icon right here on Webkinz Newz and click on it to claim your prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day.


Check out this week’s prizes:



What prize are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


170 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues

  1. 6tammy7 says:

    Does anyone have an extra green floppy hat from the wheel of wow that they would trade me for something? my user name is 6pinkie7

  2. legodude says:

    Detective hat and coat!!!!!

  3. DrifterTEN says:

    Does anyone know what the 31 is?

    • tinygma says:

      It’s a DUCK BILL SUN HAT . Looks cool with last year duck dress and on Googles be creative its ok on whalwed sorry whales. My back space is brike broke

  4. fisher420wk says:

    I meant circus BALL trampoline.

  5. fisher420wk says:

    I once had a glitch to where on mobile my circus trampoline looked like a carrot chair. now I will get the real thing! and my birthstone is the diamond!

  6. applebutter14 says:

    duck bill. chair and hat!!!!!!!! i need all of these. :)

  7. JennyWolf says:

    I think the prize on next Wednesday is a Diamond Stool not a lamp, due to the “legs” on it, and the top looks almost as if it’s cushioned, and/or fabricated. Either way, it looks great!

  8. NerdKitty567 says:

    Does anyone have an extra little green hat from last week? For some reason my floatie thingies aren’t appearing when I get on.

    • polaroid3 says:

      ya your not the only one wondering where the floaty thing is. I;ve been on All day, literally, and haven’t seen it.. I have a good computer too.. i wish i knew how to make it work..

  9. poofmon says:

    I’m so happy I got the green hoodie for my bff this morning. Thanks! I’m super excited to get the duck bill on the 31. I like dressing my kinz as zany creature combos.

  10. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    I’m psyched to get this stuff! I love the fedoras :) ~Hug a Pug~

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