A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!


Want to earn some cool NEW prizes? Just look for the “Free Prizes” button in the Thing to Do menu. When you click on it, you’ll have the option to either earn KinzCash or a prize by watching a video advertisement. At the end of the video, you’ll be awarded your prize.



The prizes for watching these video ads are ALL NEW and can’t be won anywhere else. The prize items are awarded randomly, with some of the bigger prizes being rarer than others. You can watch and win up to a total of 10 times per day.






Please note that you’ll need to have your Parent’s Account set to allow 3rd party ads and you’ll need to turn off any ad blockers to participate. When making changes to your Parents Account settings, you will need to click on the link sent in the confirmation email (i.e., the same email used to login to your Parent’s Account) to see the changes take effect. Also make sure you are logged out of your Webkinz account while making changes to your Parents Account settings.



UPDATE (04/13/2018): Please note that once an advertiser’s daily quota is reached, the videos for the ads are automatically capped and  the “No ads are available in your area” message will appear. So if you were able to watch video ads one day and not the next, it most likely means that the video ads have been capped for the day and you’ll have to try again tomorrow.


Currently we only have advertisers in North America supplying us with video ads, so only accounts in North America can use this feature.


Since we have been reaching the daily quota for our advertisers with this new feature, we have now turned off the video ads that used to pop up between plays in the Arcade and the room.


What do you think of these new prizes and the way to win them? Let us know in the comments below.


233 Responses to A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!

  1. blazensunshine says:

    Sally Webkinz, Can you please answer my question?? Sally Webkinz says:
    April 12, 2018 at 9:09 am
    There are currently ads running in North America. Ads must be running in your country in order to participate. Is the southern part of North America not the same country ???

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Should be. Some people have Xed out and re-opened the feature (don’t need to log out) to get it to check for videos again.

      • blazensunshine says:

        Thank you Sally, that is not working for me, none of my accounts are working!

      • froggydoodle says:

        Sally, this does not work. I have had the message of no videos available ALL DAY today. Please let us know what is going on.

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          Have you tried another browser? Do you have Ghostery installed?

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            There also has to be inventory in order for the video to play. Since these are 3rd party ads, the frequency with which they appear are determined by the 3rd party.

          • froggydoodle says:

            YesYes I have tried others, and no ghostery installed. As mentioned, everything worked fine yesterday for 20 accounts…I started this morning on one account, collected 3 items, and then BOOM, stopped working and has not worked since. There IS a problem that NEEDS fixing!

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            If the advertiser has reached the number of impressions they were looking for, it’s possible that there aren’t any more videos available at the moment. You’ll have to try again later.

          • froggydoodle says:

            Well that is really odd Sally, since others close by me are not having an issue. Seems more hit and miss…I can’t imagine that the issue would be so sporadic and that it wouldn’t affect ALL of us as opposed to only some of us.

          • froggydoodle says:

            Sally, so is this basically a first come/first served type of event, and the further west you live or the later you get to it the less chance there is of being able to take part because there will be no more ad videos available?

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            I’m not sure how granular it is, but it’s based on location, so they may even favor the West Coast if that’s who they’re targeting.

          • froggydoodle says:

            So it really isn’t a ‘free prize’ for everyone event…and it’s totally dependent on advertisers, with no control by Ganz on their own site, rather being controlled by outside advertisers?

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            The free prizes are dependent on there being videos available. These videos are provided by a third-party. The prizes are incentives to watch the videos. If there is no inventory of videos from third party advertisers, the feature is unavailable.

          • froggydoodle says:

            Well, I get it, but it is unfortunate because that means some may never see the videos and the whole ‘free prize’ isn’t even a reality. We can see ‘free prizes’…but it’s not active for some of us. That’s a hard one to explain to kids…

          • froggydoodle says:

            You guys should change the explanation above where it says, “You can watch and win up to a total of 10 times per day.”…because in reality…you may not be able to win anything, ever…all depending on advertisers.

          • froggydoodle says:

            I also think that perhaps it shouldn’t be under the “Things to Do” menu…because in reality, for many, we don’t get to ‘do it’…

          • dixiecup says:

            Well, for my part, give me back the Ganz Rewardz, then. I don’t get to do anything until much later in the day which means I am out , no matter where I reside.

          • polaroid3 says:

            Why do the video continue to play when we switch rooms or go to play a game? Seems pretty irritating for a few prizes..

  2. jacksongirl4 says:

    I’m not sure what the things to do menu is? I have my adds on but am not seeing any pop up add that takes me to the video to watch. It only takes me to this section.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      The Things To Do menu is in the bottom right corner of your dock on the website. These ads are not yet available on Mobile, but the Things To Do menu would be at the top right on the app.

  3. flowerrosabella1 says:

    Where is the Things to do menu? on webkinz? on webkinz news?

  4. 1Emerald1 says:

    This looks great but apparently the only way to create a Parent Account is to start a whole new account in Webkinz World, which I have no interest in doing, I don’t have time to keep up with the accounts we already have. Whenever I try to log in with a child’s acct info it says “incorrect”. Excuse me? I’m using a gmail account for the email so that can’t be the problem. Can someone please explain how to do this in a way that actually works? Yes, I cleared my cache, etc, etc.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      You don’t have to create a new account. Click on Parent Login and put in your WW credentials and the email address you want to associate to the account. If you’ve already got an email account associated to the Webkinz World account, you will need to contact webkinzsupport@ganz.com to reset it.

  5. Randomgirlforever says:

    This looks amazing! Great idea! :D I can’t wait to log on! Are all the items tradeable?

  6. abbytay123 says:

    I love all the prizes and everything but can we cut down on all the ads? Its like there is a 2 minute long ad every time i click something! I really appreciate the “free” prizes but like everyone else said it causes glitches and slow game play :(

  7. My4Sweeties says:

    While I love the concept and the prizes, turning on ads results in poor game play on the site. After collecting all of the 10 prizes for the day I found that some of the regular games required that I watch an ad again before the game became available. Also, as others have mentioned, “ads on” creates slow and jumpy game play in all areas of Webkinz World. I could not play Newz Delivery in the Employment Office because tossing the paper was missing the mark with every throw. Webkinz should address these technical issues before it considers enhancing their income with ads that ruin their site.

    • motherk says:

      I agree My4Sweeties. The kids absolutely loved the new prizes and so did I, but we didn’t know that we would have to be subject to other ads during regular play and suffer issues that occur with a full account when we pay for deluxe membership perks. I hope the kids are satisfied with 2 days of prizes because I am turning ads back off. NOT worth it, Ganz.

      • DragonsLair1976 says:

        I used it yesterday but today it isn’t working. Also, before this even came in to play I was having to watch ads every time I used a door to get from one room to another and before I plaid any game. It is very frustrating!

        • KarenaJ says:

          It is frustrating DragonsLair1976. Unless you are a deluxe member, you get ads all the time and glitches and slow game play. Sometimes it is impossible to play a game. Our cousin has deluxe and they don’t have any problem of ads during play or moving between rooms. But the new prizes do make it better at least you get something out of it (the ads)

    • Kitterzy says:

      What I did was turn off ad blocking, watched the videos, then turned ad blocking immediately back on when done watching videos. That way nothing slows down and I can still enjoy WW with my ancient computer and cheap bandwidth speeds.

  8. nettne2 says:

    no, dont like it at all. every click in all areas now produce an ad. the items are cute but not worth it

    • snuglilbug says:

      lol it does seem a bit like a sneaky scheme to me especially because i’ve always used adblocker. Maybe there’s been a rise in people using adblocker and their trying to get us to watch ads again?

    • Kitterzy says:

      Turn your ad blocker back on when done watching videos. Shouldn’t need to log out of WW to do this. Just use a different tab in Chrome or Firefox to turn it back on.

  9. prettydog123 says:

    I like the common prizes more than anything else.

  10. tkkac says:

    I like this. All the prizes are great. I really love the flower and the clothes are very cute. I would love to see some new hair accessories. Things like flowers, like the Spring Celebration Fascinator, hair bands etc… in different colors. Even just the regular bows but in different colors like black, white, purple, yellow etc.. etc.. or like the really cute good as gold hairband in different colors. Any hair accessories in a variety of colors.

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