A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!


Want to earn some cool NEW prizes? Just look for the “Free Prizes” button in the Thing to Do menu. When you click on it, you’ll have the option to either earn KinzCash or a prize by watching a video advertisement. At the end of the video, you’ll be awarded your prize.



The prizes for watching these video ads are ALL NEW and can’t be won anywhere else. The prize items are awarded randomly, with some of the bigger prizes being rarer than others. You can watch and win up to a total of 10 times per day.






Please note that you’ll need to have your Parent’s Account set to allow 3rd party ads and you’ll need to turn off any ad blockers to participate. When making changes to your Parents Account settings, you will need to click on the link sent in the confirmation email (i.e., the same email used to login to your Parent’s Account) to see the changes take effect. Also make sure you are logged out of your Webkinz account while making changes to your Parents Account settings.



UPDATE (04/13/2018): Please note that once an advertiser’s daily quota is reached, the videos for the ads are automatically capped and  the “No ads are available in your area” message will appear. So if you were able to watch video ads one day and not the next, it most likely means that the video ads have been capped for the day and you’ll have to try again tomorrow.


Currently we only have advertisers in North America supplying us with video ads, so only accounts in North America can use this feature.


Since we have been reaching the daily quota for our advertisers with this new feature, we have now turned off the video ads that used to pop up between plays in the Arcade and the room.


What do you think of these new prizes and the way to win them? Let us know in the comments below.


233 Responses to A NEW Way to Win FREE Prizes!

  1. julieperkins says:

    I love this feature, PLEASE keep it as a an always one! TY TY you ganz!!!!

  2. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Sooo cool! I really want all of the rare prizes, the 1st and 2nd and third outfits from the uncommon section, and ALL OF THE GLASSES and a few of the shoes, skirts and pants from the common ones. The glasses reminds me of Amazing World. RIP my zings.

  3. frogwoman09 says:

    I thought we would only see the ads when we clicked on the prize tab. This business seeing ads when you change rooms or pets, games etc is crazy. That’s something non-deluxe had to go through. When you are deluxe you shouldn’t have to do that. Can’t you just see ads when you want on the tab? If it doesn’t change, I’m going back to no 3rd party ads. It’s not worth some prizes to have to watch the same commercial over and over again instead of playing Webkinz.

  4. froggydoodle says:

    This is a great idea, it is just unfortunate that whether or not we can collect prizes is dependent on whether or not there are ads that are available for a specific area. I was able to take part on the first day, but sadly, there are no longer video ads available for my area. So great concept, but unfortunate that as stated, we are not able to watch 10 video ads per day and collect 10 items per day.

  5. 1955tiny says:

    ze anf let me change settings. AFTER I CHANGES SETTINGS. i WAITED 1/2 AN HOUR SO E MAIL OF CHANGES and Comfirmation could go through. THEN I NOW have 3RD PARTY turned on. i COULd FINALLY TURN my “ADS on with blocker off.

  6. kitterztoo says:

    Okay, I know many are complaining about the “not free” prizes. If you all want Webkinz World to stay available and not shut down, they have to make money. Part of that money comes from ads. Now that everyone has ad blocker, how else are they going to get their customers/kids to see their ads (their target audience) if there’s no incentive to turn the ad blockers off? Webkinz is sort of “paying” ahem… rewarding us to watch their 3rd-party ads by giving us free items. I guarantee if you can’t get the items you want, the trading room is a great place to start to get those items. This is optional for everyone. They’re not forcing you to take advantage of the ads, but rather trying to encourage us to watch them through rewards. You still have the option of turning your ad blocker immediately back on after you watch the videos. That way it doesn’t slow down the rest of WW. As for the ads not loading, sometimes that’s out of the control of the programmers as the feed is probably from the 3rd party site having issues. I’m sure they’re now aware there is a problem and can track it down from there–but these things take time.

  7. kaye10 says:

    it’s easy to complain about the ads, but for some reason i am just trying to enjoy them (if that is possible lol) as i am soooo happy to have ALL NEW prizes!!!! :) k.

    • Spiderhulkman says:

      Great way to look at it kaye10! I memorized the one yesterday, turned the sound off and did the script. LOL it was almost a game in and of itself. I now get the floating coins too that I hadn’t been getting, so bonus!

    • 1955tiny says:

      I start with 3 things 1st befor I play Dailys . 1) free AD’S . 20 MAIL to hosts # Wheeld of WOW and Deluxe. I put all clothing each day in a special place or in my reguler clothing rooms. Items won go in SPECIAL storage room SO I can find them outside of being lost in dock. THEN PLAY MY DAILYS all the EXTRA things I feel are done so I can relax. during ad’s (watch tv , potty ,coffee)10 ad’s are not all that long . RELAX TRY TO ENJOY. i already PAY FOR AD’S OFF I am Deluxe . I can deal with ihis when I earn too many I can trade share or take the coinz . It is a choice in life. I hope they don’t run out. RHEY are nice rewards.

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:


  8. blazensunshine says:

    I figured it out, I have Ghostery and AdGuard and only had AdGuard turned off to have the video’s work you MUST turn them both off! Thank’s for your help Sally Webkinz

  9. 1marie2 says:

    I tried the Free Prizes today. It allowed me to watch 2 ads then it said Sorry no ads in your area. It worked fine yesterday.

  10. froggydoodle says:

    This was working yesterday, but this HAS NOT worked all day for me. I am located in Canada…and all I get is the error that there are NO VIDEOS AVAILABLE IN MY AREA! PLEASE let us know why and when this will be fixed?!?!?!

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