Add a Movie Theater to your Map!


Visit the MAP STUFF section of the WShop to pick up the Kinzville Movie Theater, now on sale for 1000 KinzCash!



Drag and drop the theater from your Dock onto your Map and click on it to see what’s playing. Stay tuned for special promotions featured at the Kinzville Movie Theater…

38 Responses to Add a Movie Theater to your Map!

  1. mywebparrot says:

    Thanks for putting it on sale on a high price it really helped thanks!

  2. cathouse2 says:

    Awesome! I wonder what webkinz movies are like? That would be cool if your studio movies played there. >>cathouse2

  3. sare678mno says:

    it is cool

  4. jrflores says:

    Super cool! I’m glad it’s on sale!

  5. Vanillacream says:

    I bought it…. {Vanillacream}

  6. snuggles565 says:

    awesome! does your movies that u make with the studio play there?

  7. hockeyamma says:

    I bought a movie theater and it shows nothing but ads!!! can someone tell me how it works? Thanks

  8. firafairy2222 says:

    WOW! Thanks for putting it on sale!

  9. lilypugrulestoo says:

    looks interesting…smile

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