Alyssa for Mayor!


My dearest citizens of Kinzville! It is my honor to announce my campaign to be your mayor.


Webkinz World has always been a magical place, and many of you have diligently collected stars for me over the years. Though there is some reward in that activity, I know that some of those stars have gone to Nafaria. While I would never tell you what to do with your stars, I know that she is not always trustworthy. Webkinz World is about choice, though, so I will not be taking away that choice… but I do want to balance things out!


With balance in mind, I wish to visit you in Webkinz World more often — as often as Nafaria! And unlike Nafaria, when you find me, you’re guaranteed to get a prize, no strings attached! I believe that everyone needs a little more magic in their lives, and I’d love to bring you little gifts to brighten your day.


If you vote for me between November 28-29, I promise to appear regularly in Webkinz World and give you a gift each time you find me. Let’s bring the magic to Webkinz World!




And don’t forget to visit me in the Park every day between November 10 and 15 to receive a special Webkinz Votes 2020 gift box that contains one of three prizes: A campaign hat, plushy or sign (limited to one gift per day).

119 Responses to Alyssa for Mayor!

  1. nanamama12 says:

    I for one would be very excited to see what prizes Alyssa would offer. Would we get an EVA suit similar to Nafaria’s purple one? Would it be decorative items like we get from Nafaria? I’m also hoping to see if Ella will do interviews with the candidates so that we can get a better understanding of what they want to offer and how they feel about the office.

  2. tigeranne815 says:

    I hope Dex will be fun. his fake smile reminds me of real politicians! ha ha

  3. Jazzpawzz says:

    Nafaria isn’t that bad! Once you buy the cookie from her, her prizes get better and better! You just have to have the right stars. *:)

  4. 16nnn16 says:

    how do you vote?

  5. 16nnn16 says:

    dr.quack 2020 i miss him

  6. Blaine says:

    Alyssa says “as often as Nafaria” , so that should be daily. But I just realized, while she said she’d be giving out gifts, she did not say if they would be new items. ;/

    • bear10201 says:

      It will be a select pool of items and then we will get them over and over and over. She would need to change out her prize pool on a fairly regular basis otherwise it would be redundant.

  7. CHEYCHEY071 says:

    dr. quack 2020

  8. buzzmonkee8 says:

    Couldnt get her to “work” yesterday or so far today.I tried logging in and out but we both just stand there. I had no problems getting my gift from Sophie

    • megamom12 says:

      I never even got to the park yesterday. I didn’t have time before I left for work and then when I got back home I totally forgot to log on. I only have about 20 minutes before the ‘clock’ clicks over to the next day.

  9. Wingsfan65 says:

    I like Alyssa’s promise to “to appear regularly in Webkinz World and give you a gift each time you find me”…but how often is “regularly”—daily??

    • megamom12 says:

      Good question. I wonder if Ella will have interviews with all of the candidates? That would give us far more information to go on. My grandson has already chosen Sophie!

  10. Blaine says:

    Well Alyssa, while I don’t want to vote for the one who gives the most new stuff, I know in WW all campaign promises come true. For me, you are in the lead, BUT I would vote for anyone that brings back the tutor option in the academy, because that would be a community service.

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