Alyssa for Mayor!


My dearest citizens of Kinzville! It is my honor to announce my campaign to be your mayor.


Webkinz World has always been a magical place, and many of you have diligently collected stars for me over the years. Though there is some reward in that activity, I know that some of those stars have gone to Nafaria. While I would never tell you what to do with your stars, I know that she is not always trustworthy. Webkinz World is about choice, though, so I will not be taking away that choice… but I do want to balance things out!


With balance in mind, I wish to visit you in Webkinz World more often — as often as Nafaria! And unlike Nafaria, when you find me, you’re guaranteed to get a prize, no strings attached! I believe that everyone needs a little more magic in their lives, and I’d love to bring you little gifts to brighten your day.


If you vote for me between November 28-29, I promise to appear regularly in Webkinz World and give you a gift each time you find me. Let’s bring the magic to Webkinz World!




And don’t forget to visit me in the Park every day between November 10 and 15 to receive a special Webkinz Votes 2020 gift box that contains one of three prizes: A campaign hat, plushy or sign (limited to one gift per day).

119 Responses to Alyssa for Mayor!

  1. kiapupper76 says:

    Does anyone have an extra alyssa hat? I missed her meeting days and I want to represent for my canadate!

  2. Chocomese says:

    I just hope this isn’t a pointless election. I’ll vote for her, sure, but she’s not really a “fan-favorite” or seems to have the best new feature. I wish it was all-new canditates this time, the ones who had never gotten to be mayor. That way it would be more balanced.

  3. bonesbongo says:

    Alyssa so great to hear that you would like to balance things out. Very nice of you to guarantee that a prize will be awarded each time that you are found. I am for balance also, are you going to be offering new prizes? The same prizes have been available since we have been looking to find you. Changing the prizes would be nice. Looking forward to see what the other candidates have to offer.

  4. MagicalWebbie says:

    Alyssa for Mayor!

  5. deudawg222 says:

    Did anyone else get an extra hat? I also got lots of plushies and no hat :(

  6. ArcanineEspeon says:

    My interest in Alyssa depends almost 100% on what the prizes actually end up being as well as how often they are changed.

  7. nanilayne4 says:

    I don’t know Alyssa, I really don’t know who to chose to be mayor. I mean I really like free gifts for my pet…

  8. emilyh9 says:

    To me, Alyssa is in last place. Even if the prizes were new AND daily… they would eventually become old and not interesting. I’d rather the candidate promise us something that will be useful for the entirety of the term… a real CHANGE to WW. Just like new Wheel of Wow prizes or Forest prizes, etc… once you have them (and everyone has them.. ) they are old news. I like Sophie and Dex so far, but excited to hear Dr. Quack! I agree 100% with everyone on the Strength class level 9 being IMPOSSIBLE! I’ve only (somehow) succeeded at it twice.

  9. Ajoy65 says:

    Not sure who I will vote for yet. Waiting to hear from everyone. I wish I could meet Alyssa again in the park. I was hoping to get the hat but I got four plushies instead. They’re cute but I didn’t need four! Ajoy65 :)

  10. topap79 says:

    Wow! Alyssa’s speech was awesome! I definitely voting for Alyssa!

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