And the winning theme is…


Hello Webkinz Newz readers! Ella McWoof here with a special report. Thousands of you voted for a new room theme over the weekend and the results are in: The Webkinz Sweet 16 theme will be the next theme to be released in the W-Shop!


Here are the official results:



Congratulations to everyone who voted for this theme! It will be available to buy in the W-Shop on July 10th.


Remember, keep visiting Webkinz Newz often. We’ll be showing off concept drawings as this theme is being created allowing YOU to leave feedback and offer ideas as to what we should name each item! Our first set of concept drawings will be released right here on Webkinz Newz on May 23rd.


Are you glad this theme won? What items would you like to see included in this theme? Please leave your comments below…


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz!


365 Responses to And the winning theme is…

  1. johnicole99 says:

    I am bummed the hotel theme didn’t win. But perhaps, because it was a close race, Ganz will give us both?

  2. sandytoes74 says:

    BOOOOO! =(

  3. Lilgirl101 says:

    i liked the hotel much better.

  4. harevister1 says:

    I’m happy with the idea that maybe the ‘Sweet 16 Theme,’ will have some fun and playful teen age interactive items that our pets can use; like a new type of lamp, or cute bed.I know all the Themes we had to chose from already have similar decorations on them, and they could go nicely with a mix and match style. I look forward to see what the artists come up with. :)

  5. mypmyp says:

    I’m building a vacation resort in my house! The Hotel Theme would have been perfect :((

  6. MockingbirdInc says:

    WAAH hotel lost!

  7. oudoll2 says:

    The hotel theme looked so classy and the color was pretty… At least I like lots of the older themes.

  8. gadspets says:

    I won’t be buying much of this theme :(

  9. Fred04 says:

    I have to say I was really surprised by the winner too – like others said, the hotel was WAY ahead, but I love the Sweet 16 theme and voted for it.

  10. nmm033 says:

    you should make a make up station and and beanbags

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