Build A Garden Oasis For Your Pets!



Hey guys, I am pleased to announce that the Garden Oasis room theme is now available at the W-Shop for KinzCash. You’ll find the theme in the “NEW & PROMOS” section of the shop. It’s also available under “THEMES A – L”.


I think this theme turned out great! Each item is so colorful and beautifully designed. I can’t wait to see the room designs players will make using these items. Here’s a closer look at each one:




Will you be building a Garden Oasis for your pets? Let us know by leaving a comment below…


205 Responses to Build A Garden Oasis For Your Pets!

  1. Rocky5465 says:

    Never in webkinz history have I seen a single Wshop kinzcash theme item be 12,000 kinzcash. In my early webkinz days I barely could have 10,000 kinzcash, I was struggling so much, and now I still am, that just seems very unfair like others are saying, I completely agree. Now okay, if maybe they would make kinzcash like alot easier to get, which they do NOT make it easy at all, then okay, bring the price a little higher, if we can actually afford it. I just don’t like the though of how the price of one item in the theme was the price of all my money I used to have a long time ago. Things are just becoming more and more different and harder. Sometimes change is good in games, and sometimes its not.

  2. WeeBonnieMissMaggie says:

    My problem isn’t so much with the cost, although that is a deterrent, but no matter what I do with the items, it doesn’t look good. I have been a member for eleven years, and this is the first time I have ever been disappointed with a room theme.

  3. r3ppinnj23 says:

    Hello i have gone through the comments and have seen a lot of frustration regarding the new theme i completely understand I’m in the middle with some points. One i do believe that ganz has been making it harder to obtain certain things which is unfair but on another note this is just a game. Im kind of done wasting my time on it. For those of you who would like some of the items let me know i am deluxe and i have plenty of kinzcash not to mention a surplus of coupons. With love, Melon c:

  4. weibbed11 says:

    I agree that it is a very pretty theme (I love the bird column), but way too expensive. I could afford it, but I didn’t save up $23 million KC by spending KC on things that cost too much. My rooms are pretty enough with reasonably priced items.

  5. ridzilla says:

    reply with your user names so i can send some deluxe items, this theme was not my first choice so i can help some of you!

  6. feona says:

    It will cost over 35000 KC to buy this theme. Really Ganz? Not for me. I will be passing on this theme.

  7. pinkiecupcake says:

    I understand your frustration. Here are a few things that might help you. 1. You can still garden, and since Webkinz X, it is actually less work. All you have to do is plant the seeds, wait, and harvest. 2. The newer arcade games do take a little longer, however, if you take a game like Goody Gumdrops, it’s hard to earn the first few points of kinzcash, but the higher you go, the faster you earn kinzcash. It just takes some practice with the game. I have gotten to the point where I have earned almost 200 kinzcash in one game. 3. There is not a limit to how many pets you can adopt. If you look at the badges that you can earn, there are badges for 500 or even 1000 pets. 4. The Webkinz Team is working on fixing glitches. If you saw where they started with Webkinz X and how far they have come in fixing items, it’s pretty amazing. Webkinz has thousands and thousands of items to work with, and if you keep watch, you can still see items being fixed. For instance, with the last update, they fixed the Rockerz backstage screen thingy. No, they aren’t fixing as many items as they used to, but items are still being fixed. They do have a site to run and develop, which is a time consuming process. True, there are some items that I would like to be working that they have not fixed yet, but they have fixed thousands of items. 5. Yes, some things have become harder to earn, however, there are so many giveaways that if you log on every day, it really isn’t that hard to get the things you want. It may take some saving up, but that is a good life skill to teach children and adults alike. 6. The price of the oak paneled pool has NOT gone up. I think that it used to be 2,000 kinzcash a long time ago (not sure), and now it’s 1,985. If it has changed, the price has decreased. The luxury hot tub, a possible item to which you were referring, is a rare item and is still 10,000 kinzcash as it has always been.

  8. frogwoman09 says:

    I most definitely will be! It’s the prettiest theme yet. Prices don’t matter. There should be things that need to be saved for if it cost more. That’s the way life is and this is suppose to be teaching. Love it!

    • barkopinko1916 says:

      much as it might teach some absurd prices like this cannot simply be excused for this kind of thing. The equivalent in the real world would be a scam.

  9. ironchefnana says:

    W-Shop items shouldn’t cost this much.

  10. ftozennana says:

    The prices will need to come down before I ever consider making my own Garden Oasis.

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