Build a Pretty in Pink Room BEFORE March 20th!


The Pretty in Pink room theme will be temporarily retired from the W-Shop on March 20th. Whenever we temporarily retired a room theme, you never know which items will be back… and which ones won’t, so try and collect them all before March 20th!



Click on the ROOM THEMES section of the W-Shop to find the Pretty in Pink theme.


Are you going to miss this theme while it’s gone? Here’s some good news: on March 20th the Bloomin’ theme and the Fruit theme will be returning to the W-Shop! Start saving your KinzCash now!


Which Pretty in Pink items do you think should be retired? What new items would you like to see be added to this theme? Please leave your comments below…


65 Responses to Build a Pretty in Pink Room BEFORE March 20th!

  1. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    Wow, this is a bit of a shock. I have used this lovely theme for several of my rooms! I can’t believe it is going to be temporarily retired, and some permanently. This is definitely going to be missed by myself for one. By the way, I was wondering if someone could send me the fabulous pink dress from the Mobile Wheel of Wow. I will send a nice gift in return. ~Hug a Pug~

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Hi MEGWEBKINZ, I have an extra Rosy dress & will be glad to send it to you, is your username the same as here? Let me know if it’s different or if not, just send me a friend request & I’ll send you the dress. My user is emeraldlyn.

  2. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    NOOO!!! WHAT?!? I DON’T HAVE THAT MUCH KINZCASH!!! *freaking out* Oh wait! Temporarily. Never mind. I’m still going to try to collect it before then but at least most of it will be coming back. :) ~*JaneOfAllTrades*~

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    Is it my imagination, or is there a grammatical error in line 3? In “Whenever we temporarily retired a room theme,” shouldn’t it be “Whenever we temporarily *retire* a room theme?”

  4. margioak says:

    Awkward moment when you remember when they introduced this themeā€¦ Awh, I remember wanting to buy it all for my pink poodle, Cotton Candy. But I was always too poor and right now I am low on kinzcash- hopefully nothing super important retires xD – Smileygrrl

  5. jellydonut says:

    I never ever use this theme xD I’m waiting for the beach theme to come back!

  6. guppie65 says:

    I sure would like the lilypad theme to come back. I have some frogs who would sure like to be in one of there own theme room. I have them in a jun gle room and they are not to happy about it.

  7. 3mmm3 says:

    I dont want any of those items to be gone! : (

  8. CatHeart says:

    Maybe they can retire the TV, and the one chair couch. I mean, you don’t need a TV, and there’s another couch that is bigger.

  9. CatHeart says:

    Okay, I just bought random items from that theme. The ones that i really want. JUST IN CASE. Plus, I wish they told us the items that were being retired, so we do not need to waste kinzcash.

  10. winterbomb1234 says:

    Why retire anything? I really don’t want to see this theme retire I love it with all it’s items!

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