Challenge: Download the Desktop App to Win Prizes!

Update: You did it! You downloaded the Desktop App and earned a code for the New Home Hearth!


But there are still some of you who haven’t downloaded the app yet. Be sure to download the app as soon as possible and keep sharing the message with your family and friends that we all need to switch to the Desktop App!


Here are your codes for

desktop app

a New Home Hearth


desktop app

a Kinzville Moving Van


desktop app

a Kinzville Newspaper:




* Enter this code in the Code Shop which can be accessed through the Things To Do menu in Webkinz Classic. Code awards one item per account and expires at midnight EST on April 30, 2021.

184 Responses to Challenge: Download the Desktop App to Win Prizes!

  1. cowtown2 says:

    was it me or did anyone else have trouble with the app and the regular desk top game with miss birdy item the guitar, i couldn’t get it, on either account the app or the website that i still play, for over three hours, could you maybe move away from miss birdy once you get yours, i couldn’t even see her, and it was saying waiting for hours, and then i still couldnt get to click on her, before it loged me out each time, or the wreath would show, and it stays up covers the screen and wont go away, have to log out to get rid of it, i was hoping it gave me the guitar, but no then after close to midnight, it worked like nothing happened, but i got the shirt, and then it loged me out again, to day its okay, but i took off the app and re downloaded it, i hope this is okay now, i usually have to worry the power goes out this time during this we have snow so bad, hope our new year gets better real soon Merry Christmas maybe have to add theses to win when you log in, and the videos are great for items to, maybe a way to add them later,

  2. KSC says:

    Hooray!! 5000 downloads done!

  3. queenie1859 says:

    just wondering if it counts towards the total if you already had it installed before the challenge started… i’ve been on the desktop app since october/november

  4. Barryfam2020 says:

    Is there any chance it can not be full screen like the new Webkinz? I hate having my entire screen taken up by it. :(

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I know it’s not a fix, but Sally Webkinz pointed out that on Windows we can press ‘Alt’ ‘Tab’ to switch between tabs. (There’s a mac option too, but I forget what it is. Sally mentioned that too.) It helps because I will open the desktop app for WW, and if I am waiting for a pet request because I am behind on filling their care hearts, I will come over here to WKN to catch up on the articles. (When the pet makes the request, I hear it and switch back.) If the desktop app freezes (like when I finish playing Spree), the ‘Alt’ ‘Tab’ works well to be able to get back to my home screen and close the frozen app. I hope that this will at least help a little until the tech team changes the app to fill less of the screen. Good luck!

      • Tommythepanda says:

        Here’s what I have found to prevent the SPREE! freeze: rather than clicking the “x” and closing SPREE! when you finish playing, open the Things To Do menu and go somewhere (other than the Arcade).

      • sev02 says:

        Thanks for the information! I came here to ask if there was a way to minimize it without closing it, because I like to have it up there so I can hear my pet’s requests while I’m doing other things.

  5. addictedtowebkinz says:

    Today’s the 18th…Did we make it? I want the Kinzville Moving Van! :) Maybe we’ll find out in tomorrows newz?

  6. granma4 says:

    I totally agree with everything you both said about the FREE PRIZES button. I have downloaded the new desktop app but play on the other so I can get the free 2,000 cash every day. I like getting the prizes too because you can’t get them any other place. I hope it comes back again on the new app..

  7. zaraj36458 says:

    how do i get the desktop app??? where is it i really want it :(

  8. tigeranne815 says:

    how close are we? I want those goodies.

  9. queenradioooo says:

    I really sympathize with the chromebook users, please give them information on whether or not you will be able to make a version to accommodate them. Doesn’t seem fair that they have paid for a membership that they won’t be able to use. I wish I could do something to help :(

  10. mdreamy says:

    I see it now.

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