Check Out the 1st Set of Toadstool Concept Drawings!

Last week you voted that the Toadstool theme should be the next room theme to be released in Webkinz World. Here’s a look at 4 concept drawings for furniture to be included in the theme:


Hailey: “I love the blue toadstools featured on either side of this chest!”



Elwin: “This side table reminds me of a wishing well!”



Hailey: “I love the colors that were used to design this stove”



Elwin: “This bed looks like it would be VERY comfortable to sleep on!”



What do you think of these items? What would you change about them? Do you have any name suggestions for them? Please leave your comments below…


325 Responses to Check Out the 1st Set of Toadstool Concept Drawings!

  1. Lillia01 says:

    Hi Ganz! I LOVE the concept drawings of this theme! I did not actually get to vote, but I am SOOOOO excited that this theme won-because this is the theme I would’ve voted on! I love how magical it looks! I love all of these items, especially the side table and please don’t change anything about it! The only thing I would change is maybe make the flowers a purpley-blue and add a slight shimmer or sparkle to it. That is the only thing that could possibly make it any more magical than it is! I might call it the Wishful Side Table. For the chest, it’s very pretty, don’t get me wrong, but it seems a little cheesy. The blue is too bright, and I think the vines should be darker. The lock should be intricate, as if made by elves or the fair folk, maybe in a leaf shape. I think it should have a few cracks, as if it’s very old, and have light protruding out of any cracks as if filled with fireflies like the side table, because it will look more magical. Moss should be growing on it too, and it should have alot more ivy. The flowers should be shimmery or sparkling, and the toadstools should look as if they were panted a long time ago, maybe the paint could be chipped and faded a little. The stove, well, it looks cool, but not elegant. The side table is the best and everything should match up with it. The stove looks funky, but it doesn’t fit in. I think it should stay purple, but it should be shaped like a toad stool, not a blob. the burners should sparkle as if they are made of fairy dust, and maybe dance a little, like flames. Yes, four circles of flames would do very nicely! Keep the ivy and the moss, but the door should look like very old wood, with the bark peeling, and there should be a tiny, intricate handle. The bed is pretty, but too boring. The frame should be made of wood, and there should be lots of moss and ivy, and there should be shimmery flowers, too. There should be fireflies dancing around it, and toadstools winding around whatever they can reach. I like the arch/canopy thing for the headboard, but maybe made of leaves. Or you could do a clearish thing that you already have, but there should be a trickle of water flowing down the side of something. Thanks so much for reading this ridiculously long comment! I hope you like it and hopefully you’ll listen to my ideas for a super magical theme!!! I have lots of other ideas if you’d like to hear them too. Be sure to include lots of fireflies! It’ll be truly inspiring, Ganz. Love love love it! :D >o< Imaginarium

    • prprprprp says:

      Me and you both like seem to like to write long comments on our ideas for room designs!! I actually thought of a lot of the things you said after I already wrote my comment, and I thought that maybe I shouldn’t write another super long-explanation-comment. Although, I do think that maybe the paint should not be chipped or faded, it looks nice how it is! But the idea of cracks in the lock and lots of fireflies, awesome! I think that if the items were made by fairy folk, it would have some kind of magic around it to make it not look so old an worn and chipped. It would be good as new! You know? Just my opinion on your comment. And, I liked reading your “ridiculously long comment”. It was nice, with nice ideas in it. And sorry if I wrote a kind of long comment too, though not as long as my first comment, or yours. Nice ideas!

    • Pokekinz says:

      I totally agree with you, Lillia01! This is what I was invisioning when I voted for the theme, and I was kinda disappointed when I saw the chest and the stove. And I too think the bed’s too plain. I LOVE the side table, though! It sounds like you have good ideas, Lillia01, and I know I’d like to hear ‘em!

    • alzapa says:

      i agree with you Lillia01 especially about the chest being to new looking but i like the bed a lot after all the fun looking items its kinda relaxing

  2. Izzy27849 says:

    I think it would be cool if you had little fairies (of fireflies) floating around some of the items! These items are spectacular and I will patiently await their arrival in webkinz world

  3. kbk100 says:

    Hi, I just looked and “Magical Meadow bed” Is already used for another bed so my new idea for the bed name is “Peaceful Place bed” or “Enchanted Forest bed” You could also do “Whimsical Wonders bed”. My personal favorite is “Serene Settings bed” though!

  4. Bugz7H says:

    I thought that the Toadstool theme should have Toadstools Just plain old toadstools for a decoration

  5. kbk100 says:

    Oh my gosh!!! They used my design for the bed!!! Thank you so much!!! I think the bed should be called “Magical meadow bed” or “Serene Settings bed”. I think you used a mix of BestMom’s Idea and mine!! It turned out really well. A cool name for the side table could be “Glowing garden side table”. I think a cool name for the toy chest would be “Magical mushroom toy chest” I think the name “Overgrown mushroom stove” would really work for the stove. THANK YOU

  6. Measurement says:

    I love everything except the stove… I don’t know what it is, but it looks really weird. I also don’t care for the purple colour either, as much as I love purple. The bed is nice, I just wish it could be a bit more creative, like maybe a giant Toadstool instead of just a grassy blanket. Just my two cents :)

    • prprprprp says:

      I agree that the stove looked pretty wierd, but, I have to disagree with your take on the bed being a toadstool itself. I think it looks prettier this way, just my opinion.

      • totomumu says:

        I agree everything looked great except the stove. It looks too wacky… I think it should be the top of a toadstool. It would look cooler in my opinion…

    • playnowpuppy says:

      for the stove I can’t decide I like it but think it’s weird at the same time (don’t mean to seem mean or rude kinz) to change it u could make it a different color such as red,orange, or green well maybe not green and maybe it’s just me but it almost seems a bit lopsided! and instead of make the top of the toadstool (where the burners are) that shape not sure how to describe it u could make it circle shape instead! I suggested a kitchen and looks like with a few changes here and there the stove would look great! and thanks for making my idea of a chest for storage u did just what I suggested! with toadstool shapes on the side and pretty flowers with different colors I love the touch of blue!!! the toadstool side table is perfect for the theme and I’m glad u not only had toadstools but stone incorporated in the theme to go with the toadstool chair!!! The blue light makes it look more enchanted than ever!! It looks a bit tall so just remember to make it match the same height as the toadstool bed!!! speaking of the wonderful toadstool bed, it is amazing looks like the webkinz artist and fans are very creative and talented I didn’t vote for this theme I voted for the clothing store theme but I’m starting to get really excited about the toadstool theme!!!!!!!! GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOADSTOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS: I would love to be friends on webkinz my username (same as here) is playnowpuppy (not caps lock) and I’m on the friend finder so hope this comment helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. prprprprp says:

    I didn’t vote for this theme…but I love the bed!!! I might have to make this room any way! Ok, so, what do I think of these items? Well, I think the Toadstool Chest is pretty with the flowers, don’t change them! I like the Toadstool Side Table too. The Toadstool Stove, well, not really my favorite. And I LOVE the Toadstool Bed!!! It’s very pretty! What would I change about them? Well, for the Toadstool Chest, I would probably leave it the way it is. For the Toadstool Side Table, I think you should add a little more blue flowers on the right side. (Or, my right, but I guess it be the left) And yes Elwin, it does remind me of a Wishing Well too. Ok, for the Toadstool Stove, you should make the top of it (the part with the burners) be red instead of purple, and you should make it also a little bit rounder so that it looks more like the top of a toadstool. Also, you should add more flowers because you said in the description that it had mushroom and flower growth, and, personally, i can only see the mushroom. And finally, for the bed, I would change nothing about it. It looks very pretty, and I agree with Elwin about it looking very comfortable to sleep on. Do I have any name suggestions for them? Well, Hm..maybe you could keep the Toadstool Chest with that name, and make the Toadstool side Table be named The Magical Toadstool Side Table, since the light that is coming from the fireflies, at least in the Concept Art, looks kind of magical. I’m not sure what you could call the stove or bed…maybe for the stove, just keep it the way it is, (namewise) and name the bed the Luxurious Mossy Toadstool Bed, because it looks so much like comfortable moss and toadstools. I hope you like my suggestions, and thank you for taking the time to read my very long comment. (It was more of a detailed explanation than a comment LOL) And, speaking of comments, I got the first comment!! I love getting first comments for some reason, its so much fun. Although I have to say, because of the time it took me to write this comment, there might be another comment by now. but there was none when I first looked. Good job again GANZ, you have very talented artists working here! :)

  8. theevilcuppycake says:

    i love them all but the side table, it just looks too tall! maybe if u took off the bottom (the stone part) it’d look more like a side table. also the stove looks off somehow, don’t know why but its not right (maybe red instead of purple?) love the bed tho :3

  9. KristenS says:

    I think that the side table should be called moonlight toadstool side table!

  10. graceygirl10 says:

    I love these designs! Great work Ganz!

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