Check Out the NEW Spring Clothing Line!


Hey! PJ Collie here. I just HAVE to show you the awesome new looks now available in the KinzStyle Outlet this season! If you want to freshen up your wardrobe, we’ve got all the pieces you need.


This year’s trend? COLOR, and lots of it!


Have a blast trying on new looks with your pet!



97 Responses to Check Out the NEW Spring Clothing Line!

  1. Pingback: True Religion Outlet

  2. ArceexOptimus says:

    Does anyone have the shoes ( Aren’t the shoes deluxe?) and can send them to me? If so add Wildkratt2014!

  3. PuttyTat3 says:

    I like them all but the pink shoes are my fave. I just wish they weren’t all Deluxe members only :( I have a large room full of dressers and stuff full of clothes. I have tons and I’m always adding. ;)

  4. otissandra says:

    Are these all deluxe? Please say no.

  5. otissandra says:

    The paisley leaf shawl is like sooooooooo cute, but Webkinz needs more dresses that don’t look weird on our pets. Sometimes dresses can look odd. But if you have the Brilliant Bandit pet, her box comes with a dress meant for the Brilliant Bandit specifically and it matches her fur and everything so its awesome and I think they should make customized dresses for different Webkinz pets so they match that would look so great! ( this message was meant for girls ). lol

  6. anna915 says:

    the are new cloth for DELUZEonly i whan to get some we cant

  7. hannahpanda565 says:

    I webkinz

  8. littlegirlprodan says:

    I’d like to get those clothes but ‘m nota deluxe member!

  9. ckibbles says:

    I LOVE that shirt!

  10. lexilaurajoe says:

    I want all of those clothes because they are so adorable and so cute

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