Classic is Here to Stay. Plus Next is Here to Play.


Our family is growing. Webkinz Classic plays a central role in our plans for Webkinz World going forward. We continue to add new virtual pets and items, and offer fun events with amazing prizes!


There’s also a new member of the Webkinz family. Webkinz Next offers an exciting 3D experience, featuring some of your favorite Webkinz games and areas, as well as amazing new features, like advanced room editing and BABIES!


Best of all, we’ve released new plush pets that come with adoption codes for both sites. Watch for more new plush in the future!


We recognize the love our fans have for our game and as we continue to enhance Webkinz Next with new features and games, we remain dedicated to maintaining the original game our fans grew up with.


Webkinz Classic is here to stay. And an awesome 3D version of Webkinz is here to play too!


One World. Two Games!


So much to love!

63 Responses to Classic is Here to Stay. Plus Next is Here to Play.

  1. renfroekid2201 says:

    I absolutely love webkinz next but In my opinion the kinzcash items in the wshop are very, very overpriced. I have to spend my entire time playing webkinz at the arcade just to get a few items and I was also very disappointed when I went to the adoption center and found out that it costs 80 diamonds for a baby pet that is very overpriced.

  2. emster7 says:

    Yay! I’ve been playing since I was 7 years old – hence the name! I’m in college now and Webkinz is such a stress reliever – I have 115 pets and I love them all!

  3. ojibwa says:

    I’m so glad that Classic is here to stay! I have a ton of time and money invested after 14 years of having fun in Webkinz world – I have 187 pets! – eigram

  4. Featherheart says:

    Thanks for reassuring us! Webkinz has been in my life for nearly 15 years and I love how I can still play the same classic game in college that I did in kindergarten. Classic is still my favorite of the two, but I’m looking forward to the future of both!

  5. frozenanna2 says:

    Hey sosotto and unikitty11!! I’m back from my trip!! And my Cow is now adopted!! YAY!!

  6. frozenanna2 says:

    Hey I bought this Cow!! It came yesterday! I named her Louella!!

  7. alucard says:

    I’m glad that you are reassuring those of us who have been playing Webkinz for a very very long time, that Webkinz Classic is here to stay. Just PLEASE don’t start putting “Webkinz Next” before Webkinz Classic. WC should be the first to get updates and new items for the game. There are many of us that feel we are still being pushed aside. PLEASE fix the things that are broken in WC! If items can’t be “fixed”, and a player wishes to get rid of that item, why can’t you make it where we can send/trade/sell ALL Webkinz Items in Webkinz World? These are virtual items that we will never EVER be able to touch, so, to me, they have no real world value. We should be able to send/trade/sell everything we have bought with our own money. I do like that we have a choice on which game to play. I’ve tried WN several times and do not care for it. I’m glad that there are many players who love it. I will be sticking with WC. It’s my game of choice for relaxing. I do appreciate all your hard work making us happy, but please, change the send/trade/sell rules. They really aren’t fair.

    • mckiorr182 says:

      Well they might not be trade/sellable because this is a kids game. It’s to keep children from accidentaly selling items that parents bought.

    • piggitime says:

      Here to agree with don’t get caught up in Webkinz Next excitement and leave us by the wayside. And especially with please fix all of the Things. Or at least some of them?! Some of us long time players have things we’ve been begging and pleading about for almost the entire run of Webkinz so far. Also for the love of bob and all the little flaming pineapples, ganz, will you PLEEEEEASE give us a return to auto-fill/saved logins before I head/desk my dyslexic-autistic brains to a pulp. And that site-wide mute capability that I KNOW I’ve not been the only one begging for the past decade and a half.

      • megamom12 says:

        ‘for the love of Bob and all of the little flaming pineapples…..’ I’m going to have to remember that one…..that’s a good one….

    • chDart0070 says:

      I don’t think making all things sellable a good idea on ganz side. It discourages people from buying more estore items. I’m happy to pay for estore items because I like the items and I want to support webkinz. Also you can just contact webkinz support to get rid of items.

    • alucard says:

      @mckiorr182, I can understand that, but when my granddaughter first played on Webkinz she was taught that we only got items in the WShop that could be bought with KinzCash. Plus, I did not buy anything from the eStore or with ePoints, once I found out that they couldn’t be sold/traded/mailed. She was much older before she was allowed to use real money to purchase an item from the eStore. Children should learn about money, real money. This is still just a game, a game that adults usually pay for. The items are virtual and have no real value in the real world. If the games go away, you will have nothing to show for it, unless you have bought tangible items such as the Webkinz Plush toys, trading cards, or other items that were once sold in stores for real cash. If this should ever happen, the parents will have spent a lot of money on virtual items that the children will never ever see again. Sorry. I just think it’s silly to put a virtual value on a virtual item. As an adult, I pay to play on Webkinz. I spend real money on virtual items for my Webkinz. Therefore, I should be allowed to sell/trade/send those items, after all, I’ve paid real money for them. Shouldn’t I be able to do what I want with what I just spent real money on? As for this being a “kids game”, that’s true it is but, I would bet there are more adults and teenagers playing Webkinz than children. I seriously doubt Webkinz will ever allow us to sell/trade/mail these “valuable virtual non-tangible items”. It would make it easier to manage items in over stuffed docks, than having to call customer service and having them remove the virtual item or items. But, I suppose it’s the only thing to do. :-(

    • leaveitnow41s says:

      please respect Next for the game it is. I’m loving it personally. I play both daily. If you don’t enjoy it, dont play.

      • megamom12 says:

        Well put, however it is a very nice gesture for the company to re-assure us that Classic is indeed here to stay. I do appreciate that. I do love my Next and my ‘babies’! It’s nice to have some variety. I am waiting with bated breath for the mine to open though! I understand that they are taking their time to launch it properly and I respect that.

    • alucard says:

      @leaveitnow41s, I’m not trying to disrespect Webkinz Next. I think it’s great for those that want to play a more updated version Webkinz. My problem is that they added things to the WN that we have been begging for in WW for years! It was very disheartening to see things in WN like the removal of doors, the rotating of furniture, etc, etc, and yet we still have hundreds of items that no longer work in Webkinz Classic. They even continue to give these non-working items in Pet Gift Boxes. I got the Log Ride that does nothing, so what good is it? It’s cute, but serves no purpose. My pets can’t sit in it or ride it. It’s just frustrating to see them put so much effort into Webkinz Next, and ignore Webkinz Classic.

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    I understand that the new plush have a certain appeal for some players, but I was wondering if there are future plans to make anything a little less sparkly? Like would you consider making a cheetah cub that has traditional, realistic cheetah cub colors, with no sparkles or funky add-ons? I’m trying to gauge whether to make the time investment in Next, if there are no plans to make pets that also appeal to my tastes. I do like the idea of the baby feature, even if you can spark some incredibly unique features in the new pet, (even rainbows and sparkles!), I just would like there to be a few realistically colored pets available for players like me who like the natural look. Thanks for taking the time to listen!

    • piggitime says:

      You know, I want to agree with this, but if they make the pets more tempting, I might have to succumb to temptation. Also if they make a dragon. Any dragon, real or frou-frou. Wait, wasn’t I here to argue they should not tempt me?

    • leaveitnow41s says:

      I think the appeal of next is to make the craziest colored pets. Stick to classic if you don’t want weird and wonderful pets

      • leaveitnow41s says:

        gonna have to get to generation 3 & 4 for the best

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Thanks for your thoughts @leaveitnow41s. I agree. That’s why I’m still a daily Classic player. I am curious about Next, and now that our old computer died and our family just got a new one, it is now a possibility for me. I’m just taking some time to read all the players comments, and see what is posted to help me make a decision on whether to invest more gaming time.

    • megamom12 says:


  9. Pilgrimcat498 says:

    Glad to hear classic is here to stay! I think it’s the better of the two games, but Next is fun, too. I like the baby feature the best, and if Next had more things to do in it, I’d play it more often. I understand it’s still a new game, and there’s a lot to work out. But really, I gotta say… keep up the great work Ganz… for both games!

  10. finnek says:

    If I buy a plush pet and get the 2 codes, can I use both codes? Do I have to have the same name for my pets in each game if they are the same plush?

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