Collect Flowers in Webkinz Friends!
















If you LOVE collecting flowers, you can head over to Webkinz Friends on Facebook or the iPad to search for them and win!


If you can find 500 flowers by harvesting from buildings, you’ll win a gorgeous Blue Flowery Greenhouse to send back to Webkinz World!


Happy collecting!

25 Responses to Collect Flowers in Webkinz Friends!

  1. kittysrock44 says:

    I’m too young to have a facebook page and I don’t own an ipad

  2. zoeboey says:

    sigh too bad i dont have facebook on an ipad

  3. julieperkins says:

    where do i find the flowers?

  4. robotkoala says:

    Whoa! 500 flowers is a lot!

  5. webkeybo says:

    Love the prize but my accounts seem to only be getting an average of 10 flowers per day… will take forever to finish

  6. mamacatkitten says:

    Is there a time limit on the flower collection?

  7. mydogayr says:

    It will take a few months to collect them all lol.

  8. winterwarrior13 says:

    Cute! Too bad I don’t have it… hope those who do have it enjoy!

  9. designergirl101 says:

    This greenhouse in my opinion is cuter than the orange greenhouse. I wish I had kept the gazebo from last year. Sigh, that was when I first started kinzchat+ and a pet ripped me off in the trading room, sign again.

  10. JesseG2008 says:

    I mean can not wait

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