Collect Flowers in Webkinz Friends!
















If you LOVE collecting flowers, you can head over to Webkinz Friends on Facebook or the iPad to search for them and win!


If you can find 500 flowers by harvesting from buildings, you’ll win a gorgeous Blue Flowery Greenhouse to send back to Webkinz World!


Happy collecting!

25 Responses to Collect Flowers in Webkinz Friends!

  1. alisonjoy1129 says:

    This will take FOREVER!

  2. kk106 says:

    glad i have an iPad…lol

  3. zebrachic says:

    what do we do if we don’t have a Fb acct or an I PAD, also can’t afford the DELUXE membership. I love my webkinz but it’s sorta not fair, for us who can’t afford the things needed to help compete. It seems like if u don’t have deluxe membership, u can’t compete fairly. I watched my daughter enter the fashion shows and not even place cause all the winning webkinz were in deluxe clothes.

  4. arcticfox says:

    i am way to young to have these stuff anway i did not win :( who ever has it enjoy it with your furry buddies! :)

  5. catis470 says:

    It’s so cute! But when does it end

  6. Ailuropoda says:

    mamacatkitten, I sure hope there’s no time limit. Julieperkins and wilkim, the flowers seem to drop randomly — but sparingly — from just about everything except crops.

  7. jaylana4462 says:

    Aww I want one so bad!

  8. rippy6 says:

    Too bad I don’t have a ipad and I am not old enough to have a facebook account. I would love to be on webkinz friends though.

  9. lalalooo says:

    This is a great prize! But I hope it stays forever, because that is how long it will take to get 500 flowers when I only find 2 or 3 a day!

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