Collect Those Marshmallows!


Today’s the day! Start collecting those Marshmallows to win big—you could walk away with this amazing CampKinz Pool, plus tons of other cool prizes! Here’s how to find as many Marshmallows as possible:


  1. Ask up to 10 friends a day to send them (and receive up to 5 a day).
  2. Visit Webkinz Newz and find the Click to Win ad banner once a day.
  3. Click on the Marshmallow Collection Event icon in your room once a day.


Happy hunting!

125 Responses to Collect Those Marshmallows!

  1. webangusdog10098 says:

    Hello! I have already completed this promotion so if you’d like help with marshmallows please add me @ angusdog1098 – always looking for new friends!!!! :)

  2. charzielot says:

    I have it.:D

  3. helloprettypanda says:

    Finally!! I got the pool! The prizes along the way were pretty cool too! But you see, it wasn’t as big as my other pools, so it was slightly disappointing. But I did enjoy the collecting! ~helloprettypanda~

  4. viperez says:

    I still have like 28 more to go. I had an account for a while and I got on it a lot but only when I got a pet and I got a pet like last week so I came in the middle of this event. But my friends have been giving me a lot of marshmallows. Thank you friends!

  5. happynutty says:

    tomorrow i get my third pool

  6. Webkinz User says:

    I do not understand what to do. Can you help me ?

  7. murphyfox7 says:

    i finished mine

  8. mptgirl2000 says:

    If you need help, just add me, mptgirl I’m on almost everyday

  9. Wolfpaw says:

    Hopefully i’ll get this awesome pool i need it for a outdoor room!

  10. murphyfox7 says:

    i have 7 more to go

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