Community Challenge: Halloween Party in the Park!

To celebrate Halloween we’re throwing a party in the Park with a special community challenge. On October 31, take your pet to Kinzville Park. If 5,000 pets visit the Park, we will give away a Community Code for Haunted Hotel Wallpaper!


Here’s how it works, dress up your pet in their favorite costume and take them to Kinzville Park on Halloween, October 31, 2019. Then come back here to Webkinz Newz after 9:30 am on November 1. If the Webkinz community reached the goal and 5,000 pets visited Kinzville Park, you will find your code here!


41 Responses to Community Challenge: Halloween Party in the Park!

  1. landoftheweirdos says:

    cool, I love events where everyone gets something and not just random selected winners :/

  2. alucard says:

    It will be nice to get another Haunted Hotel Wallpaper. Plus, it will be fun seeing all the Trick or Treating Pets in the Park. :-) Nice way to start off Halloween! :-)

  3. KSC says:

    Looking forward to seeing everyone in the park tomorrow!

  4. KarenaJ says:

    I already have the wallpaper but I’ll still come to the park- My lil’kinz hippo Azure is super excited to show off her newly completed goblin costume, she just got the long awaited shoes this morning!! She was so excited :)

    • babytwinkleavfk says:

      I have a lil’kinz hippo named Archibald and the complete goblin costume too!!

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Mine is Gloria, and I don’t know what she’s going to wear yet. She’s definitely not a goblin girl. More of a pink cowgirl outfit personality. I wish I could bring my entire “Madagascar” webbie family to the park at the same time because I would absolutely dress them all in clown costumes because “Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” was my absolute favorite!

    • nanamama12 says:

      Oh, I’m so glad! I was over the moon the other day, because a wonderful friend sent me a Pumpkin King Head to go with one of my Pumpkin King outfits. I was going to be happy with that when all of the sudden a floating pumpkin gave me the shoes!!!!! I couldn’t believe it! So excited! Another friend had sent me a piece of the Pumpkin Queen outfit that I didn’t even know that I was missing! What a good year for costumes!

  5. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Alright. I have twelve pets, and i don’t know which one i should be. I need someone to pick a number and i’ll let you know what pet i’ll be.

  6. mfaull says:

    I am glad pets are encouraged to visit the park. I am there alone most of the time and I miss meeting other pets.

  7. dixieandi says:

    I’m going to bring my lion. She’s dressed up as the Evil Queen.

  8. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    Cool! I’m going to bring my tuxedo cat Geopetto (He’s wearing a vampire Knight costume) and my Charcoal cat Smokie (She’s wearing a fairy tale witch costume)

  9. Duckcall says:

    My pets better decide today what they want to dress up as for tomorrow.

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