Community Challenge March 24



Oops – today’s Participation Prize is 3 turns in Magic Mire rather than Jumbleberry Fields as it previously stated!

You did it! You picked up 5,000 pieces of trash in the Park and won a Cozy Cocoon! Prize is not tradeable, sendable or sellable. Prize link will be available for one day and will be removed March 25, 2016.


Prize is no longer available.



Come back tomorrow after 9am to see if you completed today’s challenge!

97 Responses to Community Challenge March 24

  1. mdlm1953 says:

    Oh, rats. I saved all my chocolate eggs, and fed them yesterday, because I got confused and thought that was supposed to be done yesterday.

  2. texasanne says:

    My family’s multiple accounts picked up almost 50 pieces of trash yesterday. Today, after saving all my chocolates all week, we managed to feed our pets 219 Milk Chocolate Eggs. Yummy!!! Good luck everyone. :-)

  3. LivingAloha says:

    I saved a ton of eggs for this, now to feed my pets!!

  4. yankeesgirl says:

    NO!!!!!!! I WANTED THOSE EXTRA BERRIES SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!! i don’t want to sound rude, but why didn’t we get the jumbleberry field plays? did something go wrong?

    • Peanut18 says:

      yeah i’m disappointed too :( and I never got my Jumbleberry field plays from Tuesday. Double disappointment. oh well

    • gmatiny says:

      My sister had 5 accounts with 12 of each berry saved in coolers. When they changed over to WEBKINZ X they ALL DISAPEARED !! She still hasn’t gotten them back :( . She is Deluxe so it could always be worse but it still hurts. I miss the berries also

  5. Spiderhulkman says:

    Eggs were saved….now lets see what they get! I have at least 20 to feed them to go towards the challenge. :)

  6. Twistersmom says:

    I feed my pets 83 eggs I hope more people saved eggs for this day.

  7. ninjario900 says:


  8. rudyrooster says:

    I also tried to sell my coin boxes but couldn’t, how to we turn them into cash?

  9. Nattie says:

    Fantastic, and now off to feed my saved chocolate eggs!

  10. trexjt2013 says:

    I have just fed my pets 60 chocolate eggs!!! They were ecstatic but are now having bed rest do to chocolate overdose!!! Seriously though people do not feed your pets chocolate in real life. To much could have a dangerous effect, including death.

    • 1954tiny0112 says:

      TRUE CHOCOLATE VERY BAD for PETS !! But you have to love the bunny this year I wish ther were real pets so two could be parents to the plushys ;) . I made carrot garden with bunnys all over and one on a log table :) HAVE FUN !!!

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