Complete Your Collection Quicker!


Need some help with your Valentine Collection? Visit everyday throughout February to find the floating Valentine and click on it to have it added to your collection.



Please collect your free Valentine from your Kinzville Map before getting your floating Valentine on Some players have been experiencing issues with getting their free daily Valentine from the Map if they have collected the one from WebkinzNewz first.


Complete your Collection before March 1st to win these 5 sweet prizes:



How many Valentines have you collected so far? Please leave your comments below…


49 Responses to Complete Your Collection Quicker!

  1. burkme says:

    well I only need one more prize

  2. Savigny says:

    Interesting, because I collected all 5 hearts on my map first, then tried the one here and did not receive a 6th for the day :(

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      The Valentine on Webkinz Newz counts towards the five you can receive from friends. If you received those five already, you would not receive another.

  3. adoptmepleaz says:

    Anyone who is having a hard time collecting Valentines each day. I would be glad to help you out. I can send you 5 Valentines every day. I play every day, never decline any friend request. So if you are in need of friends to help you complete your collection please leave your Webkinz World user name I will send you a friend request. :-}

  4. adoptmepleaz says:

    I need only 1 more Valentine to complete the collection. Looking forward to logging in tomorrow.

  5. bonesbongo says:

    Anyone in need of friends to help with Valentine Collection I would be more than happy to help. I play everyday, I never decline any friend request. Leave your Webkinz World user name I will send you a friend request. Hope this helps for anyone that is not able to complete there collection.

  6. blindfold11201 says:

    Where is the map to collect a Valentine from?

  7. cutebear21 says:

    Thanks for the tip!!! My brother 1234rez & I have collected 35 so far. Thanks to all our kinz friends who help us sending back the heart. We love all the prizes! Hopefully we can complete 4 times.

  8. AvzoraGW says:

    Thanks. Ganz! Although my WKN valentines aren’t showing up in my webkinz world account . . . is anybody else having this problem? Love to all! Avzora

  9. doingmydailies says:

    I was having the problem where I collected a Valentine on Webkinz Newz before going on Webkinz. Now, I know what I can do to avoid it. Thanks so much Ella!!!! I’m at 33 chocolates! My username is bunnylit if anyone would like to friend me for chocolates. I go on everyday!!!

    • Fluttershy736 says:

      Please friend me I’m Fluttershy736 on WW I have tons of friends but they never go on so I need new ones thanks in advance! <3 Happy V-Day!

      • blindfold11201 says:

        I would love to friend you, I’ve been sick and have missed two days which seems sooo long, What or where is a map to collect a Valentine from, if you don’t mind my asking, being we just met. Mostly I will enjoy being your friend. I have 4 accounts; one started years ago, so I have over a hundred pets on that one. But I decided to start 4 small accts. and one is still in adoption so she is alone , I need to buy her a friend. And then 1 small acct. has 4 pets and the other small acct. has 3 pets. Two of those acct. started from adoptions also. I want to go slow on these, so they don’t get big too fast.

      • Dolan says:

        I’m on WW several times every day as punk4life, so if you need friends to help you out, please feel free to add me.

  10. Pokemom says:

    Thank you for the tip about getting the heart on our account first!! Amazing prizes!! :D

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