Cool Joe Sparks 3 Babies!

What kind of unique babies will we spark with this blue Teacup Yorkie?

Meet Cool Joe, the Blue Teacup Yorkie.

Cool Joe has awesome monochromatic flairs along his back and legs.


I quickly grew Cool Joe on a test account because I couldn’t wait to see what my gen-3 babies would look like with his sparks! Let’s take a closer look at all three of Cool Joe’s sparks!

Pretty, the Pastel Yorkie


This pastel puppy looks gentle at first but spin her around and check out those leg and back flairs!


Now that’s one versatile puppy!

Green Stu, The Ultra Rare Pig


I had to try combining Cool Joe’s sparks with Perry, my Super Rare Pinkalicious Pig. I was hoping to get a really cool colored pet and Green Stu did not disappoint! Green Stu’s body color is adorable and those silver eyes are dreamy.


And, heck out the details on his back. His shoulder flairs are glorious! And the heart pattern on the back of his head? Green Stu, quit hogging the spotlight!


Ginger Dad, The Chocolate Gingerbread Puppy


Finally, I had to try a holiday pet! Jonah, my Gingerbread Puppy, stepped up to the plate to help me spark Ginger Dad, a delicious pup with special green earth eyes, a festive wreath chest and rainbow flair legs.


Spin Ginger Dad around to check out his candy cane inner ears. Yum!

I can’t wait to grow this generation of Teacup Yorkie sparks. Make sure to check back soon for the fourth generation of Cool Joe!

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11 Responses to Cool Joe Sparks 3 Babies!

  1. bubbac4 says:

    Where do we buy this blue teacup yorkie?

  2. kalcan8 says:

    Congrats on your beautiful new babies, Dorothy Lou! I love the gorgeous blue roses leg flair on Cool Joe and his daughter, Pretty. Is that a Teacup Yorkie specific trait? Do you or Sally know where we can see lists of all of the pet specific traits that each type of pet is able to pass along? I know that Sally had listed the traits for one pet in a previous article and it was sooooo helpful to see everything plainly spelled out like that. I can hardly wait for your next gen, to see what Cool Joe’s grandkids will look like!

  3. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Wow that is so cool… up in the right corner aka the fuchsia yorkie is so pretty i love it!

    • booreeves says:

      @JadeSweetSummer3 HI blossom and I agree and the fuchsia Yorkie also looks pretty and sorry that I was not on today but I’m hoping to be on tomorrow and I need to ask you something so please meet me in the Kinzville town.

  4. booreeves says:

    I love that blue color and I’ve seen a blue fawn and that blue is a beautiful color.

  5. Dorothy839 says:

    What are the fastest ways to grow a baby to a kid and then a kid to an adult? Your babies are adorable! Congratulations

    • sally says:

      For babies, the fastest would be to play until you get its first growth request, then send it to daycare — you can get two growth moments a day fairly easily that way, which brings it down to 8 days. If you end up logging in again 8 hours after daycare, you might sneak in a third growth moment for the day, so you could grow within 5 days. For the kid, play with it as the active pet. The first day you might be able to get 2-3 growth moments if you time it correctly, but once your kid’s heart is 75 full each day, you’ll be limited to one growth per day as it only makes requests when there’s room in the heart.

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