Customer Service is Experiencing a Backlog


2020 is a crazy year for everyone – including Ganz eStore Customer Service!




It’s been an exciting year for Webkinz. We launched the Desktop App to make sure our players could keep enjoying Webkinz in 2021 and beyond. We launched a whole new version of our game, and we even brought back Webkinz plushies! We’ve also seen a big increase in our player base. A lot of new and returning players have discovered just how much fun it is to play in Webkinz World when we’re all stuck at home.




Unfortunately, due to the worldwide pandemic, our Customer Service team is currently working remotely. So, on top of the fact that we are experiencing a higher than usual volume of queries, we’re also working under different conditions than we’re all accustomed to.




As we head into the holidays, Customer Service is dealing with a large backlog of queries from our players. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for patience and understanding as we try to solve your issues as quickly as possible.




Please bear with us. Making sure that Webkinz works smoothly for all our players is our highest priority.


50 Responses to Customer Service is Experiencing a Backlog

  1. gospottgo says:

    Webkinz has been such a lifesaver during the pandemic! We make vacation rooms for our pets so that we feel like we are getting out of the house. Our pets has “visited” the Louvre, London, and Venice. They’ve also had fun at a Summer Carnival, complete with evening fireworks. They’ve gone sledding, explored a Haunted Graveyard, and hung out in beach houses with adjoining beaches. Our pets can also hang out with others all over the globe in the trading rooms and at the park! Thank you for making Webkinz Classic. Sending hugs in a hazmat suit to you at Ganz!

  2. Beckinz8 says:

    We kinda figured this was what was going on. We wish that we could help in some way. Maybe you can hire temps to help sort and deal with the easy-to-fix issues just until you get ahead of the backlog. We commend you all for continuing to wade through hip deep piles of emails in less than stellar work situations. We are praying for an end to the pandemic and for everyone’s continued health and safety. Hang in there!

  3. Pokemom says:

    You all do a great job! Truth be told, Webkinz is one of the things that kept me sane during this very strange last year! You have been a reliable, friendly constant in my [and surely many others] life for the past 12 years and are always there when I need a quick escape and a mental health break. Please continue to keep up the terrific work and stay healthy! We appreciate you!!

  4. cakis says:

    ah man that makes sense, i was charged twice for the pet of the month year and i still havent heard back so hopefully they get caught up soon!

  5. Fedorovgirl says:

    So many new things in Webkinz world this year + a pandemic to deal with = a big challenge for Ganzworld support, so I totally understand the delays in getting to everyone’s questions/problems! Thanks for answering our questions here on Webkinz News and stay safe! :)

  6. megamom12 says:

    We totally understand! I really feel for you as I watch my grandson struggle with the online learning. He is actually starting to voice his frustration with it all and really wanting to go back to school. Poor dear really needs the structure of the school setting in order to stay focused. It’s also really hard on the teachers as they have no way to summon back a student who goes to the bathroom and never comes back or the little one who just gets fed up with it all and leaves. This is a bad situation for most of the folks involved and I’m afraid that a lot of students will need a ‘do over’ for this year.

  7. KSC says:

    Many thanks to customer support for all that you do! It’s much appreciated! Whenever I call or email, everyone is so pleasant and helpful. Happy holidays to all of you and stay safe! I’m also happy to see that the player base is increasing. Great news!

  8. emster7 says:

    I totally understand! Many of the people in my family are working remotely and also going to school remotely and it’s hard. God bless you all!

  9. FreeBird says:

    Thank you – I had sent them a message and wondered why no one has responded yet.

  10. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Is the same true for Ganzworld Support? I contacted them over 2 months ago and no response. Is that normal? I just want to change my email.

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