Daycare in Webkinz Next!


Taking care of babies is hard work! While babies can have 3 growth moments per day, sometimes it’s hard to get to them. Now you have the option to send your baby to daycare!



Click on the My Pets button in the Dock. Switch to the List View to make this really easy — click the Babies tab to show all your babies and select which one you want to send to Daycare.



More than one baby? No problem! The first baby each day is free, but additional babies can be sent for 250 KinzCash. Babies can only go to daycare once a day.



You’ll be able to see which of your babies are in daycare at a glance. Have fun!




Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.





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11 Responses to Daycare in Webkinz Next!

  1. duckess1 says:

    Mine is not coming back from daycare. Pet shows in crib but when I click on pet and it reads returning! Now what?

  2. kikio01 says:

    Love the name Sweet pea for a froggy baby ;)

  3. grandmaback says:

    This is great for the few weeks the baby is growing up. Once the baby can be grown into a kid you cannot use the daycare. That is bad for the times it’s part of the seasons challenge and you do not want to spark a new baby just for that. I wish the baby could go to daycare as long as its a baby so you can get the points in seasons.

  4. mimi1960 says:

    but where do they go///

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    Is Daycare available for Kinzcash, or do you have to pay for it in Diamonds after your first try?

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