Days of Play coming to Webkinz World Aug 28!


Learn more in this video:





183 Responses to Days of Play coming to Webkinz World Aug 28!

  1. hudzmom3 says:

    I’m with you also BH1464. it should be fun , Thanks Ganz.

  2. ARS217 says:

    You need to add the adblock extension to your browser. I use Chrome so under your settings you would go to tools then extensions and search for adblock. You will want to enable this on the webkinz homepage. It really helps with the slowness. If you are still having problems you need to make sure you are running the most current version of adobe flash player.

  3. ImaPepper says:

    Oh, yay! This reminds me of the communal contests from long ago, in a world far, far away….lol. I’m excited about this, can’t wait!

  4. gemrysforest says:

    Yes, exactly. Log in to do this, it says. Nice if you can, but there are some of still having all these problems just trying to even log IN, much less do anything if we actually get in. The site wasn’t perfect before, by any means, but at least I could log in and do things almost every time I tried. Now it’s more like 50 tries to one success. No joke, I tried to log into one account last night for 40 minutes, missed the event I was trying to do, and then still couldn’t get in awhile after that.

  5. fluff54 says:

    AMAZING So logging on every day !!!!! at least it ends before my school starts! So I will definitely be able to log on!

  6. peanutluver3 says:

    amen totally agree tired of it rfeezing and being slow cannot do more than two things without it killing my computer. does anyone know how to turn off the ads.

  7. PomPomPuppySoCute100 says:


  8. hellokitteh says:

    I’m wondering what community challenges will be like…

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