Design a Theater Set! Winner announced!

Well, it was a tough decision, but after reading your comments, we are excited to announce the winner of our Theater Set Design Contest. Perfectly timed for Halloween, the winner is the creepily creative ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ by Nattie.


Excellent job, Nattie – and all our finalists! Winners, look for an message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by end of day tomorrow, Tuesday, October 23, 2018.

The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow by Nattie


View official contest rules here.


38 Responses to Design a Theater Set! Winner announced!

  1. webkinz04 says:

    Congrats Nattie! This is an amazing set!

  2. Nattie says:

    Thank you so much everyone! It was such a fun room to design.

  3. Ajoy65 says:

    Congrats Nattie! This was my favourite of the bunch. Nice work everyone!

  4. Scorpio says:

    Congrats Nattie, well done!!

  5. oudoll2 says:

    Wow! That is so clever and unique. You did an awesome job!

  6. catladyinpajamas says:

    Awesome!! Now all you need is an old hearse!

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Congratulations, Nattie! Nice job–I love it!

  8. Kitterzy says:

    Congrats, Nattie! That room showed so much ingenuity—right down to the characters of the pets themselves.

  9. hannah5banana says:

    Good choice. This one deserved the win!

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