Doc McStuffins Pet Vet – Special Event!

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Disney Junior presents a special event— Doc McStuffins Pet Vet! In these special back-to-back episodes Doc takes on a new role as a Pet Vet. Meet new pet friends like Findo the puppy or even Stuffy’s pet friend, Squibbles! Join Doc and her friends as they take care of new patients through love, care and play.



To celebrate this special event, we are giving away Doc McStuffin Pet Vet themed prizes in Webkinz World! This event is only available to residents of the United States.


From now until August 13th, look for the floating paw print in Webkinz World and click on it for the chance to win 1 of 4 Doc McStuffin Pet Vet themed prizes! Here’s what you can win:





207 Responses to Doc McStuffins Pet Vet – Special Event!

  1. justinanj says:

    Why don’t you fix the problems with webkinz before you add something else new? Just saying, but I would love to have my pools, tv’s, pianos, and all the missing stuff I’ve been collecting since 2005 working and back in my rooms before I play a new game!!!

  2. Kamots55 says:

    Aw man! I missed it!

  3. jellybean16 says:

    could someone plz send me the cuddly rug? im ross560

  4. luvnpet says:

    this is so so not fair,webkinz can’t you incluse us Canadians too.we buy ur pets common please

  5. crystalkinz18 says:

    Anyone have any extras? I missed this event and i love all the prizes especially the bed! Feel free to add me on Webkinz my user is jellyfish614 Thanks!

  6. Honeybunny777 says:

    If somebody sends me this stuff in return I will send you stuff from deluxe once they get it working again.

  7. jacquiekinz says:

    Thank you to those who sent some of these prizes to our accounts: jacquiekinz, pmlt and tummers. They are so nice and it is certainly appreciated.

  8. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Lol has anyone actually seen of the little clicky floaty paw prints in Webkinz as they’re playing? I ask cause in the time this promotion has been running, I’ve seen one paw print, just one, lol.

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