Dragon Queen Robe Retiring!


If you’ve always wanted to your pet to look like the Queen of Dragons, make sure you make your way to the SPREE! Mall soon!


The Dragon Queen Robe will be retiring on July 16th! Once they’re gone, you’ll have to search the trading rooms for someone to make a swap!


Don’t forget to play SPREE! every day, and look for bonus rolls in Today’s Activities!



What do you want most from the SPREE! Mall? Let us know in the comments below!


56 Responses to Dragon Queen Robe Retiring!

  1. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    nooooooo!!!! I thought I could get to the mall in time but I didn’t!!! Now I can never get another one! At least I still have ONE, I mean I THINK I still have one, I hope I do.

  2. webkinzlover404 says:

    its really cool

  3. webkinzlover404 says:

    i have that dress

  4. iszakato says:

    Can someone PLEASE send me that! i’ll give you something SUPER good in return! My user is Iszakato.

  5. CheekyCat says:


  6. adara917 says:

    i never thought that such a special item to webkinz would ever retire! good thing i have it from SPREE! i hope those who want one can get one before it goes!

  7. fisher420wk says:

    does anyone know how to find dress racks?

    • animelover7644 says:

      well there are many ways to find an exclusive item (dress racks are exclusive) the first way to get them is when you adopt a pet 2+ you have a chance to win a exclusive item. The second is the wish factory’s wish of the day. Go to the wish factory and click on the ball and you can make a wish and have a chance to win an exclusive. or you can deposit wish tokens and when you get enough and (without a doubt) get an exclusive item (you can get wish tokens from the wacky log out carnival, the wheel of wishes, and i don’t know if you still do but you used to get one when you adopted a pet. Or you can go trading for one you never know I think it was Plumpy who once said “your trash may be someone else treasure” I’m not really sure where that came from I thought it was in one of my Plumpy books on Webkinz but it wasn’t…… anyways hope I helped and if you ever have any more questions I’ll try to answer them the best I can!

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