Fall Clothing and Halloween Costumes Available Now

PJ Collie has the 2020 Fall Clothing in stock! Check them out:



You’ll also find brand new Halloween costumes and some that returned from previous years.



Which of the new clothing pieces are your favorite? Tell us in the comments below!


63 Responses to Fall Clothing and Halloween Costumes Available Now

  1. BugsGirlGirl says:

    Anyone know if the Flouncy Fall dress needs deluxe items?

  2. lassok9 says:

    Could someone please send me the Ribbon Headband and the items needed for the Zesty Wetsuit, as well as the Deluxe items for the Fall Line and the items for the Cozy Overalls and the Flouncy Fall Dress? My username is eskiboy. :)

  3. pinkyugly says:

    I love these! So cute! My pet looks so spooky in the cat burglar one! The unicorn princess costume is absolutely adorable, but I’m not deluxe so I can’t get it:(

  4. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Would someone be nice enough to send me the Unicorn Princess costume? i’m not Deluxe and i’m really sorry that i can’t get it :(

  5. Jazzpawzz says:

    Cat burglar, haha. *:)

  6. DayTripper says:

    I LOVE the Fall Clothing line. I hope that I can figure out the recipe for the Cozy Overalls and Flouncy Fall Dress they are really cool. I LOVE the Halloween costumes. I need to save my KinzCash to buy all of these I don’t have any Halloween costumes this will be my first year playing.

  7. ojibwa says:

    The unicorn and cat burglar outfits are AWESOME!

  8. ringneck1 says:

    Oooh, the Fall Suit and Cozy Overalls…I want those irl lol

  9. winxclub11 says:

    My favorite from the fall clothing line is the Flouncy Fall Dress, and my favorite from the new costumes is the unicorn princess costume.

  10. winxclub11 says:

    I just LOVE the new fall clothing line and new costumes!

    • nanamama12 says:

      I still need the recipes for the Summer Line!!!!

      • bonesbongo says:

        Hi, nanamama12 I can send you the 3 items to make the Long Sleeved Swimsuit and the 3 items for the Zesty Wetsuit it you want. Let me know if you want the items, you can expect a package from shelkinz67 for the Long Sleeved Swimsuit I will then send other 3 items the following day.

        • nanamama12 says:

          Yes!!!! Oh, please!!! Thank you so very much!!!!

          • bonesbongo says:

            nanamama12 I just sent you the 3 items for the Zesty Wetsuit ENJOY! My comment from yesterday went to the next page wasn’t sure if you saw it. Have a great day. ~ shelkinz67

          • Beckinz8 says:

            Hi @nanamama12! I also sent you a care package for the Zesty Wetsuit, and today I sent a care package for the Cozy Overalls. I don’t yet know the recipe for the Flouncy Dress. If I figure it out, I will send that your way too. Happy to help!

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