Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases the wallpaper design concepts of boper911 posted in the ShareCenter! This series is based on national parks.
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to: Ganz #043 60 Industrial Parkway Cheektowaga, New York 14227-9903
These are awesome!
082003, I agree, the sequoia one is my favorite. And oh, yes, it would be awesome to have a water room with those bioluminescent plankton, rather like the firefly grass tiles that currently exist.
Ah, I remember when these were first posted in the Share Center…they are all so beautiful and amazing!! I really hope Ganz makes some wallpaper and flooring like this someday, they’re wonderful! :D Congratulations on being featured, boper911, and great job!! :)
congrats boper911 they look amazing! i don’t have any favorites i love all of them!
IGLOOS a winter scene with igloo’s . UNDERWATER Science scene an observitory to watch sea life a second with under sea volcanos and SMOKERS with sea life living. DEEP OCEAN sea creatures AND MONSTERS we could see them as they float past TV MOVIE screen size windows in our under sea rooms .
Ah, these are so awesome!!! :D Congrats on having them featured, boper911!! You did such a wonderful job on these!! I really hope Ganz makes these wallpapers a reality some day… I know I’d totally buy them all!!!
Wow! I am blown away – these are beautiful!
I would like to see a Bay with water trees like on islands out at sea on deserted islands. In the center there are hanging plants but the most importent is the water on the land. There is a night scape with glowing BIOLUMUNESCENTs . Microscopic life that glows like PIXI DUST in the water . Like on Disney with the Tinkerbelle flys by in the opening credits. I have seen this in Puerto Rico and swam in the water with these creatures . It was the MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE of a life time !! SO MUCH BEAUTY in 1 place as you move with the water they move . Just pure AWESOMEness !!!
The sequoia tree wallpaper is my favorite. I’d love to see something like that in webkinz world.
These are all beautiful! I love the grassy ones with the mountains and the desert one with the moon. Great work, boper911! ^-^