Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases the wallpaper design concepts of boper911 posted in the ShareCenter! This series is based on national parks.
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
- boper911
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to: Ganz #043 60 Industrial Parkway Cheektowaga, New York 14227-9903
I saw these in the SC a month ago! There really good ! Congratulations, boper911~ I need the grand canyon! Which art thing did you use? I just use the paint app.
Wow, these look great! I would definitely buy these if Webkinz decided to make them, even if they made them estore items :)
I agree with everyone’s comments. You should feel so proud that everyone likes them. They are pretty awesome!
That forest one would be gorgeous. It reminds me of the Signature Endangered wallpapers.
Oh man, these are awesome! I’ve never been to any of these national parks before, but they look really cool! Congrats boper911 on getting featured! :)
boper911, you are such an artist!! These are amazing, I wish I had every single one of these! I’d pay 10,000 kinzcash for one wallpaper or flooring!
these are beautiful. Will they be available in the wshop so we can buy them with kinzcash?
Amazing! Great job boper911! I love every sing,e one of them!:)
That would be AWESOME if we could have Grand Canyon walls and floors, and if there were some stalagmite-like (I can’t thing of another way to describe) things that would be like rocks that we could put on the ground, maybe like a trophy pedestal that looks like Grand Canyon rocks. I’d totally buy that :)
Wow, boper911 I am blown away! I am a huge NP fan and I think I recognize (maybe, just guesses) Bryce, Yosemite, Grand Teton, Arches, Death Valley, Grand Canyon, and Olympic. In any event, I would totally buy each one. You are very talented and I just love your work!
I cannot get enough of these fantastic walls and floors and just checked them out at the share center. Wrong guess… the forest was Redwood NP, and the one I failed to mention was Zion NP. I have been to 6 of those parks drawn by boper911, but have not made it yet to Arches NP or Redwood NP, although I did see the Redwoods in Muir Woods National Monument. Visit the National Parks, everyone as they are fantastic. I have never visited one that I have not thoroughly enjoyed. My personal favorite… Yellowstone.
Hey Nattie! I am SO glad you like them. Like you, I’ve been to many national parks and their beauty is what inspired each of these designs. A lot of people have been guessing at which design goes to which park, so I’ll put those here: Arches National Park, Utah – night scene with the arch and the moon;
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah – orange/brown pointy rocks, green trees; Death Valley National Park, California – sand dunes; Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona – colorful rocks (looks like a canyon?); Redwood National Park, California – forest scene; Yosemite National Park, California – grassy, tall mountains, waterfall; Zion National Park, Utah – tall, orange peaks with a river running through;
I LOVE these wallpapers & floorings. Is the wallpaper with the white mountains the Grand Tetons? I would LOVE to get a wallpaper & flooring of the Coral Pink Sand Dunes. Pittiesrule