Welcome to another edition of Ganz Fanz! This edition showcases fan art from Kinzstagram.
- lilackinz
- x_starlight124
- campbell_soup05
- scarlet_kinz
- amrxphotos
- musicpup613official
If you want to send in your favorite Webkinz drawings (and maybe get them posted on the Webkinz Newz front page!), please share them in the Share Center (under “Fan Art”) at the Ganz Parent Club or snail mail them to:
#043 60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York
The webbie-verse has some awesomely talented photographers! I love how the colorful chalk drawing matches the Patchy Puppy in ~scarlet_kinz’s photo. ~musicpup613official did an amazing job capturing the water splashing around their Green Earth Puppy. ~cambell_soup05 – is that a Signature Siberian Husky? It’s gorgeous! I keep looking at the picture, expecting to find whatever your husky is staring at! LOL!
Haha,@Beckinz8, I didn’t even notice that that was a chalk drawing in @scarlet_kinz’s photo… good eye! l loved them all, though!
My favorite is campbell soup 05- The photo of the dog in the woods! It could win an art show easy! All the photos are awesome! Congratulations to everyone featured! I really like all of them a lot!
Great pictures! So much talent! My favorite is the pup splashing water! Just like when I bath my pup-water everywhere! Congratulations to all being featured!
these are amazing pictures!
Wow, these are all awesome!! My favorites are: musicpup613official’s, campbell_soup05′s, and lilackinz’s. :)
Wow, these pictures are great!! :D I especially like the one of the Signature German Shepherd on the beach by lilackinz; it’s really beautiful! Congrats on being featured, everyone! :)
I really like the last two!
I mean the ones by campbell_soup05 and lilackinz.
These are very artistic! <
Wow, these are great photos! I especially love the one by lilackinz. =] It’s a really pretty picture. Congrats on getting featured, guys!
Wow! All of these pictures are incredible! I am amazed! The earth puppy one with the water is a great photo! The water looks so cool! Congrats! :)